Which concept holds that consumers will Favour products that offer the most in quality performance and innovative feature?

_______ believes that the consumers will favour those products that offer the best quality, performance and features and therefore the organisation should devote its energy to making continuous product improvements.

  1. Selling concept of marketing
  2. Product concept of marketing
  3. Profit concept of marketing
  4. Production concept of marketing

Answer [Detailed Solution Below]

Option 2 : Product concept of marketing


CT 1: Current Affairs [Government Policies and Schemes]

10 Questions 10 Marks 10 Mins

The correct answer is the Product concept of marketing

Key PointsProduct concept of marketing 

  • The product concept is on the assumption that the customers would choose the product if it has better quality, features, and performance.
  • The reason the product concept is important is that it makes it necessary for you to meet the demands and wishes of customers by delivering the best product.
  • Sales, marketing, and distribution are also important factors in the product concept.

Additional Information

1. Selling concept of marketing

  • The selling concept is based on the premise that the customers won’t buy goods/services of your brand unless you perform sales and promotional activities at a large scale.
  • Therefore, businesses and companies should carry out promotional and marketing activities to accelerate their product in the market.
  • Customers have inner needs and your job is to convert their inner needs into buying your product through motivation and persuasion.

2. Profit concept of marketing

  • This does not exist as such as there are 5 concepts which are: The Production Concept; The Product Concept; The Selling Concept; The Marketing Concept; The Societal Marketing Concept.

3. Production concept of marketing

  • The production concept is the most operations-oriented than any of the other marketing concepts on this list.
  • It speaks to the human truth that we prefer products that are easily available and inexpensive.

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Marketing MCQ Marketing Management The selling concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.

The selling concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.

The selling concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.

Answer: FALSE

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Looking for the answer to the question below related to Brand Management?

The _________ concept holds that consumers will favor those products that offer the most quality performance or innovative features.


A. product
B. marketing
C. production
D. selling

The Correct Answer Is:

  • A. product


I hope you got the answer to your question.

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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

2022-08-22 23:11:09

The ________ concept holds that consumers will favour those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. A. Product B. Marketing C. Production D. Selling E. Holistic marketing

abhishek mishra


The Product concept holds that consumers will favour those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features. The product concept proposes that consumers will prefer products that have better quality , performance and features as opposed to a normal product.

Which concept holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable?

The correct answer is OPTION B: Production Concept. This is the most fundamental business principle. According to this notion, consumers want products that are both conveniently accessible and inexpensive.

What are the 5 concepts of marketing?

The five main marketing concepts are production, product, selling, marketing, and societal. Companies utilize these five concepts in regards to the product, price, distribution, and promotion of their business.

What is product concept in marketing?

The product concept is based on the philosophy that customers will prefer products that offer quality, performance, or innovation-related features and aims at producing creative and innovative products that are new or improved versions of existing products.

Why product concept is the best?

The product concept is on the assumption that the customers would choose the product if it has better quality, features, and performance. The reason product concept is important is because it makes it necessary for you to meet the demands and wishes of customers by delivering the best product.

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