When substances are constantly moving back and forth across a cell membrane

Active transport is the movement of molecules across a cell membrane in the direction against their concentration gradient, going from a low concentration to a high concentration. Active transport is usually associated with accumulating high concentrations of molecules that the cell needs, such as ions, glucose and amino acids. If the process uses chemical energy, such as from adenosine triphosphate [ATP], it is termed primary active transport. Secondary active transport involves the use of an electrochemical gradient. Active transport uses cellular energy, unlike passive transport, which does not use cellular energy. Active transport is a good example of a process for which cells require energy. 

Why are cells so small?

Cells are so small that you need a microscope to examine them. Why? To answer this question we have to understand that, in order to survive, cells must constantly interact with their surrounding environment. Gases and food molecules dissolved in water must be absorbed and waste products must be eliminated. For most cells, this passage of all materials in and out of the cell must occur through the plasma membrane.Each internal region of the cell has to be served by part of the cell surface. As a cell grows bigger, its internal volume enlarges and the cell membrane expands. Unfortunately, the volume increases more rapidly than does the surface area, and so the relative amount of surface area available to pass materials to a unit volume of the cell steadily decreases.Finally, at some point, there is just enough surface available to service all the interior; if it is to survive, the cell must stop growing. The important point is that the surface area to the volume ratio gets smaller as the cell gets larger. Thus, if the cell grows beyond a certain limit, not enough material will be able to cross the membrane fast enough to accommodate the increased cellular volume. When this happens, the cell must divide into smaller cells with favorable surface area/volume ratios, or cease to function. That is why cells are so small.

For organisms to survive, they must have a way to balance the intake and loss of water. Osmosis exerts a pressure known as osmotic pressure on the hypertonic side of a selectively permeable membrane. Osmotic pressure can cause serious problems for a cell. Because the cell is filled with salts, sugars, proteins, and other molecules, it will almost always be hypertonic to fresh water. This means that osmotic pressure should produce a net movement of water into a typical cell that is surrounded by fresh water. If that happens, the volume of a cell will increase until the cell becomes swollen. Eventually, the cell may burst like an overinflated balloon.

Fortunately, cells in large organisms are not in danger of bursting. Most cells in such organisms do not come in contact with fresh water. Instead, the cells are bathed in fluids, such as blood, that are isotonic. These isotonic fluids have concentrations of dissolved materials roughly equal to those in the cells themselves.

Other cells, such as plant cells and bacteria, which do come into contact with fresh water, are surrounded by tough cell walls. The cell walls prevent the cells from expanding, even under tremendous osmotic pressure. However, the increased osmotic pressure makes the cells extremely vulnerable to injuries to their cell walls.

Macroscopic diffusion model is based on underlying microscopic dynamics and should reflect the microscopic properties of the diffusion process. A single diffusion equation with a constant diffusion coefficient may not represent inhomogeneous and anisotropic diffusion in macro and micro scales. The diffusion equation from the continuity equation yields


where P and J are the density [probability or number] and diffusion flow of the particles. Following Christensen and Pedersen [2003], a definition for the diffusion flow J is


where V is an external potential, μˆis the mobility, and is the diffusion tensor given by the Einstein relation


In Eq. [6.303], the first term represents the drift in the potential force field V and the second is the diffusional drift given by Fick's law. Combining Eq. [6.302] with Eq. [6.303], we have


Since Eq. [6.305] cannot represent systems with inhomogeneous temperatures, we may have the following alternative equation


Equations [6.305] and [6.306] are different because of the drift term ∇⋅[P∇⋅Dˆ],which is sometimes called a “spurious” drift term. These diffusion equations have different equilibrium distributions and are two special cases of a more general diffusion equation.

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Transport of Solutes and Water

Walter F. Boron MD, PhD, in Medical Physiology, 2017

Some carriers facilitate the passive diffusion of small solutes such as glucose

Carrier-mediated transport systems transfer a broad range of ions and organic solutes across the plasma membrane. Each carrier protein has a specific affinity for binding one or a small number of solutes and transporting them across the bilayer. The simplest passive carrier-mediated transporter is one that mediatesfacilitated diffusion. Below, we will introducecotransporters [which carry two or more solutes in the same direction] andexchangers [which move them in opposite directions].

All carriers that do not either hydrolyze ATP or couple to an electron transport chain are members of thesolute carrier [SLC] superfamily,  

N5-8  which is organized according to the homology of the deduced amino-acid sequences [Table 5-4]. Each of the 52 SLC families contains up to 53 genes that encode proteins that share a relatively high amino-acid sequence identity [20% to 25%]. Moreover, each gene may encode multiple variants [seeFig 4-19]. Members of an SLC family may differ in molecular mechanism [i.e., facilitated diffusion, cotransport, exchange], kinetic properties [e.g., solute specificity and affinity], regulation [e.g., phosphorylation], sites of membrane targeting [e.g., plasma membrane versus intracellular organelles], tissues in which they are expressed [e.g., kidney versus brain], or developmental stage at which they are expressed.


The SLC Superfamily of Solute Carriers

The SLC superfamily was the subject of a series of reviews—one per family member—in 2013. The reference below is the introduction to the series.

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Joseph Feher, in Quantitative Human Physiology [Second Edition], 2017


Solutes move by diffusion from regions of high concentration to regions of low concentration. Fick’s First Law of Diffusion states that the flux is proportional to the negative of the gradient of C:


where Js is the solute flux, D is the diffusion coefficient, and ∂C/∂x is the one-dimensional gradient. The continuity equation states that changes in concentration with time must be due to changes in flux with distance:


Fick’s Second Law of Diffusion derives from his First Law and the Continuity Equation:


Fick’s Second Law can be derived from a random walk model of diffusion in which molecules take large numbers of small steps. Using Stirling’s approximation, the discrete binomial probability distribution can be converted to a continuous one, resulting in a Gaussian probability distribution. For a narrow starting distribution at time t=0, the distribution of solute at time t is given as


From the random walk, D is identified as λ2/2tc, where λ is the distance between collisions and tc is the time between collisions. The time of diffusion is typically estimated as the variance of the Gaussian distribution, which gives


Although diffusion is a statistical result, it is equivalent to a force in that it produces a flow of material. Other forces can also make solutes move. These forces include electrical forces on charged solutes, solvent drag [convection], and gravitational forces. An external force applied to solute particles causes a flux given by


where f is the force per molecule, k is Boltzmann’s constant [k=R/N0], T is the absolute temperature, and C is the concentration. In the presence of a concentration gradient, the total diffusive flux in the presence of an external force is


Stokes derived an equation for the drag force on a spherical object. Einstein combined this with his expression for the drag force in terms of the diffusion constant and gave us the Stokes–Einstein equation:


where η is the viscosity of the medium in which diffusion occurs and as is the radius of a spherical solute.

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Cellular Physiology

Linda S. Costanzo PhD, in Physiology, 2018

Facilitated Diffusion

Like simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion occurs down an electrochemical potential gradient; thus it requires no input of metabolic energy. Unlike simple diffusion, however, facilitated diffusion uses a membrane carrier and exhibits all the characteristics of carrier-mediated transport: saturation, stereospecificity, and competition. At low solute concentration, facilitated diffusion typically proceeds faster than simple diffusion [i.e., is facilitated] because of the function of the carrier. However, at higher concentrations, the carriers will become saturated and facilitated diffusion will level off. [In contrast, simple diffusion will proceed as long as there is a concentration gradient for the solute.]

An excellent example of facilitated diffusion is the transport ofd-glucose into skeletal muscle and adipose cells by theGLUT4 transporter. Glucose transport can proceed as long as the blood concentration of glucose is higher than the intracellular concentration of glucose and as long as the carriers are not saturated. Other monosaccharides such asd-galactose, 3-O-methyl glucose, and phlorizin competitively inhibit the transport of glucose because they bind to transport sites on the carrier. The competitive solute may itself be transported [e.g.,d-galactose], or it may simply occupy the binding sites and prevent the attachment of glucose [e.g., phlorizin]. As noted previously, the nonphysiologic stereoisomer,l-glucose, is not recognized by the carrier for facilitated diffusion and therefore is not bound or transported.

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LUKE HARRIS MB, BS [LOND], MRCP [EDIN], in Clinical Respiratory Physiology, 1975

Publisher Summary

This chapter describes the phenomenon of diffusion in the body box. Diffusion is the process of transfer of gas from alveolus to blood. A variety of methods can be used to measure the transfer factor: the steady state method, the single-breath method, and the rebreathing method. The steady state method can be used in even severely disabled subjects, and it can be used during exercise. A major disadvantage of the method is that the pattern of breathing may affect the results. The steady breathing method involves inspiring a gas mixture containing approximately 0.3 percent carbon monoxide and 14 percent helium in air. The breath is held for approximately ten seconds, and an alveolar sample is then collected after a washout of dead space. The consequent analysis of the volume inspired and the breath holding time makes it possible to calculate the transfer factor. This method is readily repeatable, independent of breathing pattern, and standardized. A separate measurement of residual volume is required for patients with respiratory disabilities.

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Diffusion and Mass Transfer

M.J. Lewis, in Physical Properties of Foods and Food Processing Systems, 1996


Diffusion is the spreading-out of a material into its surroundings. The two major types encountered are molecular diffusion and eddy diffusion. Molecular diffusion can be denned as the transport of matter on a molecular scale through a stagnant fluid or, if the fluid is in laminar flow, in a direction perpendicular to the main flow [see section 3.5].

In contrast, eddy diffusivity is concerned with mass transfer processes involving bulk fluid motion.

In practice the two types of diffusion processes are found together but it is the molecular diffusion processes that has a major influence in many processes because it is concerned with mass transfer over the boundary layer which exists in all flow situations and within the food matrix, where it is not usually possible to induce turbulence. Much of the following discussion will be concerned with molecular diffusion and diffusivity measurement in gases, liquids and solids.

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Computational Neuroscience

Toma M. Marinov, Fidel Santamaria, in Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, 2014


Diffusion is a major transport mechanism in living organisms. In the cerebellum, diffusion is responsible for the propagation of molecular signaling involved in synaptic plasticity and metabolism, both intracellularly and extracellularly. In this chapter, we present an overview of the cerebellar structure and function. We then discuss the types of diffusion processes present in the cerebellum and their biological importance. We particularly emphasize the differences between extracellular and intracellular diffusion and the presence of tortuosity and anomalous diffusion in different parts of the cerebellar cortex. We provide a mathematical introduction to diffusion and a conceptual overview of various computational modeling techniques. We discuss their scope and their limit of application. Although our focus is the cerebellum, we have aimed at presenting the biological and mathematical foundations as general as possible to be applicable to any other area in biology in which diffusion is of importance.

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DTI and Tractography in the Autistic Brain

Timothy P.L. Roberts, ... Ragini Verma, in The Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders, 2013

How MR can Measure Diffusion

Diffusion MR observes Brownian motion by tagging populations of water molecules and observing their movements [Tanner and Stejskal, 1968]. The diffusion MR experiment is analogous to a simple diffusion experiment where a drop of dye is placed in a bowl of water. Using the equations for diffusion, the observed change in the dye’s concentration can be used to calculate the diffusion coefficient of the liquid. MR diffusion techniques are sensitive to the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient and work in much the same way. Instead of visible dye, a known concentration gradient of spin-labeled water molecules is established with the MR scanner and then changes in concentration are measured over time. The MR signal in a diffusion-weighted image is related to the diffusion coefficient as follows:


In this relationship, S refers to the intensity of the MR signal when the diffusion gradient is applied. As the diffusion coefficient increases, the value of S decreases. The term S0 refers to the baseline MR signal level without diffusion weighting. The ratio of S to S0 is related to the b-value and the [apparent] diffusion coefficient, D, of the water. The b-value is related to the level of diffusion weighting applied. The b-value must be sufficiently high to observe anisotropic diffusion. A typical clinical diffusion tensor scan uses a b-value of approximately 1,000 s/mm2. Since each scan encodes diffusion in a single specific direction, multiple diffusion-weighted scans are required to represent the directional differences in diffusion [note at least six directions are required to be encoded for simple DTI; more are required for advanced modeling].

What is it called when molecules move across the cell membrane?

Diffusion is an important process in human physiology. Specifically, diffusion is the mechanism of movement of oxygen, nutrients and other molecules across the capillary walls and the movement of other molecules across membranes.

What are some substances that move back and forth through the cell membrane?

Cell membranes are an example of semi-permeable membranes. Cell membranes allow small molecules such as oxygen, water carbon dioxide and glucose to pass through, but do not allow larger molecules like sucrose, proteins and starch to enter the cell directly.

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