What is the priority role of the perioperative nurse during any surgical procedure?

Short Report - [2021]Volume 7, Issue 2

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Nursing in the operating room is a specialised area in which nurses provide high-quality care to patients prior to, during, and after surgery. The expertise and skills required by an operating room nurse are the same as those required by other registered nurses, but these skills are much more useful during surgical procedures. Patients scheduled for surgery are cared for by operating room nurses, also known as perioperative nurses and surgical nurses. An operating nurse frequently serves as a point of contact for the patient, his or her family, and the medical staff. The ability to interact efficiently with all members of the team is the most significant characteristic. Patient safety is always first, and a good OR team has faith in one another to speak up if a problem arises. It doesn't matter who notices a problem; safety comes first, so every member of the team should feel comfortable speaking up. The team nurse serves as the director and is responsible for all aspects of the operation to ensure the best possible result during any operation, an operating room nurse must be extremely coordinated when it comes to charting and highly skilled in coordinating supplies and acts [1].

The delivery and perception of treatment in health care is influenced by the workplace culture. The operating room can be a stressful work environment, and nurses can experience job stress or job satisfaction depending on their skill level. Nurse Managers must learn to recognize the various manifestations of organizational culture. Operating room nurses continue to face controversy for the necessity of having a nurse in the operating room. People inside and outside the nursing profession has questioned whether operating room nursing is a technical rather than a nursing endeavor due to the theatre's technological orientation and the ways in which nurses in the theatre have shaped and reshaped their practice in response to technological change [2].

Duties and Responsibilities

• Provide the patient with efficient and reliable perioperative nursing treatment.

• Keep surgical facilities up to date and compliant with competency requirements.

• Complete all physician orders, prescribe medications, and offer timely treatments and examinations to patients.

• Establish and carry out a nursing care plan for the designated patient.

• To ensure the safety of the operating personnel and the patient, perform proper use, treatment, and handling of surgical equipment.

• Maintain up-to-date and in-depth sterile techniques skills.

• To meet patient care needs, maintain constant communication with the operating team and other medical personnel.

• Assist in the ordering, storage, and maintenance of surgical supplies and equipment. • Prepare the operating room with sterile surgical instruments, linens, and materials that will be required during the operation.

• Keep the operating room clean and orderly.

• Prepare patients for surgery by washing and disinfecting body areas.

• Maintain up-to-date and reliable medical records and recovery charts [3].


1. Moira KM. 5 skills that make a good operating room nurse.

2. Bull R, FitzGerald M. Nursing in a technological environment: Nursing care in the operating room. Int J Nurs Pract. 2006; 12[1]:3-7.

3. //www.greatsampleresume.com/job-responsibilities/nursing/ operating-room-nurse

Author Info

Citation: Gursoy B [2021] Nursing Intervention in Operating Room. J Perioper Crit Intensive Care Nurs 7: 169. doi:10.35248/2471- 9870.21.7.169

Received: 04-Feb-2021 Accepted: 18-Feb-2021 Published: 25-Feb-2021 , DOI: 10.35248/2471-9870.21.7.169

Copyright: © 2021 Gursoy B. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.


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What are the priorities of the perioperative nurse?

Scope of practice Working with patients prior to surgery to complete paperwork, and help answer questions or calm fears about surgery. Monitoring a patient's condition during and after surgery. Selecting and passing instruments and supplies to the surgeon during operation [sometimes referred to as a scrub nurse]

What is the priority role of the perioperative nurse during any surgical procedure quizlet?

CORRECT. The nurse's priority activity is to initiate the preoperative checklist. Each facility's unique checklist will ensure that necessary documentation, admission assessment, physical preparation, and client education have been completed before the client enters the surgical suite.

What is the role of the RN during the surgical procedure?

Scrub nurses assist the surgical team by donning sterile masks, gloves and gowns as well as aid the physician by passing instruments during surgery. Following the operation, the job involves clearing away the tools and preparing the patient for transport to the recovery room.

Which priority intervention should the nurse in the preoperative waiting area implement?

The key nursing intervention during the preoperative period is patient and family education. Take every opportunity during the patient assessment and preparation for surgery, to provide information that will increase the patient's familiarity with the procedure, which will decrease anxiety.

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