What Day is April 30th on in 2023?

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April 30th is the 120th day in the Gregorian calendar; it marks the anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase, the completion of Albert Einstein’s doctoral thesis, and the opening of the New York World’s Fair. Famous April 30th birthdays include Gal Gadot, Dianna Agron, and Travis Scott. April 30th also marks International Jazz Day, National Honesty Day, and National Raisin Day.

We have 27 holidays listed for April 30.

Honesty Day

The whole truth and nothing but the truth? That's right!

Day of the Child

This day recognizes the significance of cultivating the habit of reading among children.

Healthy Kids Day

Join us as we get ready to enjoy a fun Healthy Kids Day with the YMCA!

Mother Father Deaf Day

Share your experiences of deaf parents and the children of deaf parents on this special day.

National Bugs Bunny Day

National Bugs Bunny Day commemorates the date this happy-go-lucky bunny made his first appearance in 1938.

National Larry Day

Take the day to celebrate your favorite Larry, whether real or fictional, famous or not.

National Mahjong Day

Take a day to admire the beauty of this challenging game, or learn how to play!

National Tabby Day

Celebrate our furry friends and spread the word: tabbies are not a cat breed.

National Tie Dye Day

This Tie Dye Day, let your inner artist out by using your garments as a canvas.

Queen's Day

Queen’s Day is one of the most special celebrations in the Netherlands.

Spank Out Day

Recent studies have shown that spanking does little more than traumatizing children.

Walpurgis Night

To fend off evil spirits, celebrate Walpurgis Night by blazing bonfires all night.


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What day is April 30th?

National days on Sat Apr 30th, 2022. Explore worldwide events, festivals, funny, weird, and national days on this day! It's Independent Bookstore Day, Save The Frogs Day, National Honesty Day, National Oatmeal Cookie Day, World Veterinary Day… and much more!

What day of the week is April 2023?

April 1, 2023 is the 91st day of the year 2023 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 274 days remaining until the end of the year. The day of the week is Saturday.

What day is April 25th on 2023?

April 25, 2023 is the 115th day of the year 2023 in the Gregorian calendar. There are 250 days remaining until the end of the year. The day of the week is Tuesday.

What day of the week is April 30th on in 2022?

Saturday, April 30, 2022.

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