Veeam Backup service keeps stopping

How do I turn off Veeam?

Re: Shutting down Veeam after jobs complete

  1. Schedule a script in Windows Task scheduler that would start AFTER the last job starts.
  2. The script should keep retrieving job sessions with results other than finished/failed/warning constantly.
  3. Once the output is empty trigger server shutdown.

Nov 30, 2018

What are the Veeam services?

Veeam Backup Service is a Windows service that coordinates all operations performed by Veeam Backup & Replication such as backup, replication, recovery verification and restore tasks.

How do I cancel all Veeam jobs?


  1. Close the Veeam Backup & Replication console.
  2. Stop all services that begin with the word Veeam.
  3. Open the Task Manager on the Veeam Server and kill all VeeamAgent.exe processes. …
  4. Wait 5-10 minutes for the tasks to timeout and fail.
  5. Remove snapshots from VM[s] that are part of the stuck jobs.

Does Veeam agent require a reboot?

In some cases, installation of Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows may require computer reboot. This can happen, for example, if you have an earlier version of Microsoft . NET Framework installed on the computer and during the installation process the framework is used by third-party software.

How do I start Veeam backup services?

Start the Veeam Backup and Replication Console: From the Start menu, select Apps > Veeam > Veeam Backup & Replication Console. Alternatively, to access the Backup and Replication console, open Veeam using the Veeam Backup and Replication Console shortcut created on your desktop and click on connect as shown below.

How do I start veeam Linux agent?

  1. Configure Network Settings.
  2. Launch File Level Restore Wizard.
  3. Select Backup Location.
  4. Specify Backup Location Settings. Specifying Shared Folder Settings. …
  5. Browse for Backup File.
  6. Select Backup and Restore Point.
  7. Working with Midnight Commander. Stopping Backup Mount Session.
  8. Finish Working with Veeam Recovery Media.

Sep 10, 2021

Is Veeam a Russian company?

Veeam, Insight Partners Take Proactive Steps Meanwhile, Veeam also has Russian founders — Ratmir Timashev? and Andrei Baronov. And R&D has involved an office based in St. Petersburg, Russia, according to ZDnet. … To be clear: Veeam’s founders and the company have not been accused of any Russia-related wrongdoing.

How do I set up Veeam cloud?

Setting Up Tenant Veeam Cloud Connect Infrastructure

  1. Deploy the tenant Veeam backup server.
  2. Connect source virtualization hosts.
  3. Find a service provider.
  4. Connect to a service provider.
  5. [For Veeam Cloud Connect Replication] Specify default gateways.
  6. [Optional] Configure source WAN accelerator.

Dec 23, 2020

Can I pause a Veeam backup job?

No, you cannot pause\resume backup. Check Veeam Job for bottleneck statistics and\or try switching transport mode to improve backup performance and have faster backup.

How do I restart veeam agent?

Log in to Veeam Service Provider Console.

  1. In the menu on the left, click Managed Computers.
  2. Select the necessary Veeam backup agents in the list.
  3. At the top of the list, click Backup Agent and choose Restart.

Oct 5, 2021

How do I start a veeam guest agent?

To start a job:

  1. Open the Home view.
  2. In the inventory pane, select Jobs.
  3. In the working area, select the Veeam Agent backup job and click Start on the ribbon or right-click the job and select Start.

Sep 23, 2020

Why does Veeam backup service not start?

RequestUri is ‘/VeeamService’ simply means the Veeam Service has not started yet “. To fix these issues, ensure the following registry keys have your server name and the SQL instance and Veeam database name are correct in the windows registry. … To do this, run the Veeam setup.exe file again as shown below.

How do I fix Veeam backup and Replication?

Part 2: Run Veeam Backup & Replication Repair

  1. Mount the Veeam Backup & Replication ISO.
  2. Select the option to Install Veeam Backup & Replication.
  3. Confirm the License Agreements, click Next.
  4. On the Maintenance mode tab of the wizard, select Repair, Click Next.

How do I run Veeam on Linux?

To perform initial setup, launch the Veeam Agent control panel with the veeam or veeamconfig ui command….Then use the initial setup wizard to complete the following steps:

  1. Accept Veeam and third-party license agreements.
  2. Create a custom Veeam Recovery Media.
  3. Install a license.

Sep 10, 2021

Can Veeam be installed on Linux?

You can install Veeam Agent for Linux on any Linux-based endpoint whose data you plan to protect — virtual machine or physical device [server, desktop or laptop].

Who is Veeam owned by?

Insight Partners
Insight Partners has Acquired Veeam. Leading software investor Insight Partners has completed the acquisition of Veeam Software, the leader in Backup solutions that deliver Cloud Data Management™.

Did VMware buy Veeam?

McKay, prior Senior Vice President and General Manager, Americas with VMware, as President/COO. In 2017, Peter McKay and Andrei Baronov were promoted to the company’s Co-CEO roles. … On January 9, 2020, Insight Partners announced that they would purchase Veeam in a $5 billion deal and move the company to the US.

How do I restore from Veeam cloud?

To restore VM files:

  1. Open the Home view.
  2. Select the Backups node in the inventory pane. Expand the backup job in the working area, right-click the necessary VM in the backup job and select Restore VM files.
  3. At the Restore Point step of the wizard, select the necessary restore point.

Apr 9, 2021

  • It's generally not recommended that you change the hostname of a server running MS SQL.  If you need to, there are a series of steps that you need to follow.  Have a look at this Technet article for details: //

    Alternatively, if you have support, try opening a ticket with Veeam -- I'm sure they can help point you in the right direction.

  • I actually changed the hostname prior to installing Veeam, so that's why I was a little confused why this issue surfaced, if that's even the issue!  I did change the hostname after I installed Veeam, and had this service not start.  Ya I don't have support, that's why I turned to people here.  

  • Are there any items in your Event Viewer that can help narrow down the exact error you get when you try to start the service?

  • Check the Forum post from Aaron or open a Veeam support case please.

  • Check the logon credentials on the Veeam service.  Sometimes a custom domain account gets changed back to the default by updates.

  • Erik6041 wrote:

    Check the logon credentials on the Veeam service.  Sometimes a custom domain account get changed back to the default by updates.

    I tried changing the credentials, but still no go.  I'm getting a Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

    @ Aaron

    Thank you! I'll verify the name hasn't changed or is correctly set.  But my only question is why would this all of a sudden happen?  Does something trigger it?  I've ran Windows updates, so maybe that changed something. 

  • Call support.  They should be able to figure it out.

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  • Aaron Studer wrote:


    SQL was referencing the old computer name.  I don't understand why it switched back to referencing the old computer name.  It's up and running now. 

    Thanks for the link Aaron! Much appreciated!!

  • Gabrielle.L wrote:

    Are there any items in your Event Viewer that can help narrow down the exact error you get when you try to start the service?

    Gabrielle thanks for trying to assist. I appreciate it!  Unfortunately, I didn't see any events in the event viewer that could lead me to the hostname being changed. 

  • Good to hear things sound like they are under control, but this would be a good time to set the configuration backup job up. On 6.5 and newer, Veeam Backup & Replication can now make a configuration backup of the jobs, connections, proxies, repositories, history, etc. 

    In most situations, the default will have it going to the Default Backup Repository on C:\ - Now would be a good time to make sure it goes to a file share or such!

    If the config is restored [Especially if you are migrating from Server 2008 R2 to Server 2012 R2 for example], it basically just re-asks the passwords and poof, it's back in business.

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