Todo list template Notion

Where to start? Youve just added an incredibly flexible tool to your stack, but youre not sure how to make the most use of it. Should you start with a spreadsheet? A Kanban board? No, surely you need a way to track your projects first? When you first open Notion, you might find yourself at a bit of a loss. Good thing there are a ton of Notion templates to choose from.

In this post, youll find some of the most useful Notion templates out there for personal productivity, teams, managers, and even students.

5 Notion templates for personal productivity

Every Notion template in this section is geared towards squeezing as much out of your day as you possibly can. Lets dive in.

What better place to start than what you need to get done? This template gives you a simple Kanban board with To Do, Doing, and Done columns and a few example tasks. Add this template to your workspace, add a couple tasks, and youre off to the races.

Need a bit more than a Kanban board? This free template packs multiple views, a custom dashboard, and more to replicate a dedicated task management app within Notion. Once youre ready to use Notion for bigger projects, give this template a whirl.

Struggling to prioritize your tasks? The Eisenhower matrix is a simple method that works off of two main questions: is it urgent? and is it important? Answering these two questions helps you decide whether you should do the task, delegate it, decide later, or exterminate it. This template lets you do all of that in Notion.

Looking to make the most out of your time? Act with intent by using this template that breaks down your months into actionable blocks. Plan for the month ahead, check in halfway, and have a mini-retrospective when the month is done. Youll be more productive in no time.

Are you a fan of the Getting Things Done methodology? This Notion template is built specifically for this five-step method, allowing you to use it without leaving your favorite tool.

12 Notion templates for teams

Notion has a host of templates that can make collaboration that much smoother. Here are just a few of the best ones.

Whiteboards and post-its can only get you so far. Whether youre looking to run an asynchronous brainstorming session or youre still doing it over video calls, this template lets you keep the whole process in Notion.

Wish you could get a Kanban board that has the flexibility of Notion? This template was built to replicate some of the most popular Kanban boards out there in your favorite tool

Meetings already chew up enough of your time; make sure theyre worth it. With this template, you can standardize your meeting notes and build a detailed archive of who said what and when.

Hit your deadlines and crush every milestone with this robust template. Keep documents, updates, and more all in one place and make managing projects a breeze.

Addicted to Agile methodologies but you dont want to use the tools built around them? With this template, get access to an Agile system your teams will love without leaving Notion.

Visualize product work, figure out priorities, and more with this roadmap template. Use individual cards to represent features, campaigns, high-priority issues, and build a dynamic roadmap the whole team can get value from.

Never accidentally double up on marketing initiatives again. Keep track of every piece of content your team is working on, from podcasts to blog posts and collateral. The calendar view in this template means you know whats coming up and when its happening.

A ticketing system gives your support teams a simple, centralized database for tracking their work. With this template, you can give them the ability to do that right in Notion.

A product wiki collects processes, best practices, support documentation, and more in one place. But you dont have to work on a software product to get value out of a wiki. Customize this template a bit and itll become the single source of truth for your organizations essential information.

A CRM, or customer relationship management platform, gives your teams a way to track interactions with prospects, customers, and other contacts. With this template, you can have your CRM in Notion, so everyone can collaborate smoothly without leaving their favorite tool.

Wish Trello had better reporting features? Better yet, wish it had Notions database features? Use this ready-made template to sync Trello cards to a Notion database.

Working with teams that love HubSpot? We build this template that recreates HubSpot fields so you can sync HubSpot tasks to a Notion database for centralization and reporting purposes.

11 Notion templates for managers

Managing a team is already hard enough; dont make it harder by not having the tools you need. These templates can help you with just about every aspect of managing a team.

Every project runs into potential risk, no matter how well-planned. With this template, you can keep track of these risks, how likely they are to impact your projects, and whether they require the intervention of a stakeholder.

Think of the team home as the product wiki for your reports. From this template, you can answer frequently asked questions [do our benefits cover dental?], track time off, and everything else your team needs from you.

Need to bring visibility on Jira work to people working in Notion? Use this template to keep important Jira issues in one place so no one misses an update. Learn more about using this template here.

Need a simple way to track how much time collaborators are putting into a specific project? Use this template to get a visual representation of whos got time to contribute and whos overwhelmed.

Using OKRs but struggling to track progress meaningfully? Break down your objectives, measure key results, and pull insights from weekly updates with this template.

Want a quick way to keep stakeholders in the loop? With this template, you can streamline reporting and make sure everyone knows your projects are healthy or know when you need support.

As a manager, youre probably doing a fair number of one on one meetings, and it can be tough to track them all when theyre right after the other. Keep your meeting notes, your agenda, and more all in the same place to make the process that much smoother.

Your marketers are creating a ton of great content, but most of it is going unused. Why? Its just too hard to find. Use this template to create a centralized database so everyone knows how much content youve created and where they can find it.

Want to run a daily standup asynchronously? With this template, you can give everyone on your team an easy way to provide quick updates. The template also collects previous standup updates in a kind of database you can consult in the future.

Working with teams that love GitHub? Use this template to report on progress happening in GitHub without ever touching a repository. Track progress, due dates, descriptions, and more.

Keeping track of applicants doesnt have to be a headache. With this simple recruiting pipeline, you can track applicants the way youd track potential deals in a CRM. Each card opens to show key information about each applicant, like skills, employment status, and so on.

Get more out of Notion

With the right template, you can turn Notion into a custom solution that can slot into just about any tool stack. It can make a managers life easier, make you more productive, and drive better collaboration throughout the whole team. But you know what can drive collaboration better than a template? The right integration. With Unito, you can build deep, two-way flows between leading work tools and break crucial data out of tool silos.

Want to know the minute our Notion integration launches? Check out our integration page and sign up for updates.

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