the narc là gì - Nghĩa của từ the narc

the narc có nghĩa là

1. n. Short for a Narcotics officer. A member of Law Enforcement that enforces drug laws.

2. n. A person who is not a member of Law Enforcement but turns you into the police for doing or dealing drugs.

3. n. A person that turns you in for something you did wrong; specifically to any type of authority figure like parents, cops, teachers, boss, etc.

4. v. The act of turning someone into law enforcement or authority figures.


1. Don't pull your stash out around Jake, I think he's an undercover narc.

2. That fucker Ronnie, he is such a narc. He told the cops I was smoking pot in the bathroom.

3. My little brother the narc told mom about the pornos under my bed.

4. Don't narc on me man, I'll give you a couple buds if you keep your mouth shut.

Dan narced on Mary to Mr. Smith when he caught her blowing the football team.

the narc có nghĩa là

1. Narcotics officer
2. Someone who tells on or reports your activities to authorities, therefore ending them

OR [lesser known]

3. An overhand type of stab, usually with a crudely fashioned weapon [see SHANK]


Bitch narc'd on me for having weed, now I'm serving time, yo.

When I hit the state pen, some dude came up and shanked me. Then, his friend narc'd me. This house is rough, dogg.

the narc có nghĩa là

The act of turning someone in for something they did wrong; specifically to any type of authority figure like parents, cops, teachers, boss, etc.


"I never narced on no-one!!" Dominic Toretto.

the narc có nghĩa là

1. [n] Narcotics, any drug [legal or illegal] containing opiates made from the opium poppy, such as Morphine, Coedine, and Heroin. They can be in pill form, a powder mixed in water, or in a solution to be injected directly in the blood stream.

2. [n] A police officer, usually undercover, with the job of arresting people for the illegal use of any drug. See pig

3. [n] A parent, neighbor, or peer who voluntarily files a police report concerning the illegal drug use of an individual. See asshole

4. [n] Someone who gains pleasure out of spying on someone, reporting their wrongdoings to superiors [bosses, police, etc...], and snickers when that someone suffers [from loss of job, being grounded, jail time, etc...].

5. [n] In general, an ill-wishing, prying, and altogether disrespectful member of society. See bottom feeder

6. [v] To voluntarily file a police report, or to falsify nuisances, with the intent of having legal and/or criminal actions taken on an individual for illegaly using drugs

7. [v] In general, the act of peeping and telling with the intent of having someone punished.


1. "Damn, I was fuckin floating on that narc"

2. "Yo, look at that quiet, nosy kid with the backpack on. He must be a fucking narc"

Kid 1: Dude, what happened after I left?
Kid 2: The 5-0 busted this bitch up
Kid 1: Why did they come?
Kid 2: I bet old Mrs. Shriner thought there was too much noise again. We didn't even have the stereo on!
Kid 1: You should've had the party somewhere else. You know what a fuckin narc she is.
Kid 2: Yeah, because of that fucking bitch I lost my scholarship and got a minor in consumption.

4. Simon's younger sister saw him sneak out after 10 and told her parents. Simon was grounded for a week, and his sister proved herself as a top-ranking narc.

5. John Ashcroft is a classic example of a narc.

6. We shouldn't have given that geek dank and hennesse. He just went home and narced on us all.

7. Bitch, stop narcing!

the narc có nghĩa là

a tattle tale, a killjoy


John told the teacher I cheated, what a narc!

the narc có nghĩa là

To have previously been a 'narc' and basically 'tattled' on someone, if that's how you wanna put it.


That bitch narced on me...not cool.

the narc có nghĩa là

Narcissist: someone with high self-regard, who does what advances their well being, often to the exclusion of others' happiness.


"I can see how what she said to you might be uncomfortable or confusing, but she may just be a narc. For a narc, it's all about them and she doesn't think about how you might take it."

the narc có nghĩa là

1. A Narcotics officer.

2. A tattle-tale, someone who would tell parents/boss/police/authority figure/the man about a misdeed.

3. Someone who hates care-free fun, usually a similar type of person to 2. Will often rain on your parade with facts about the environment when you get a new car. Will complain about practical jokes being mean, or play devil's advocate when it is unecessary or nearly impossible.

4. A person who is short tempered or irratable. Will often shout at you for being on their lawn.


I think that guy might be a Narc, you should hide your stash.

God, Phil, you're such a narc. I can't believe you told the teacher I threw the paper.

Stop being such a fucking narc, Sim. You can't outrun a bear and child abuse IS wrong.

Calm down, you've turned into such a narc lately.

the narc có nghĩa là

Someone who is being narcissistic or self absorbed.


Zoey from Grownish: Cash is messing with Zoe Kravitz and he didn’t tell me?!? Me: Zoey everything ain’t about you. Don’t be such a narc.

the narc có nghĩa là

a guy who follows you around when he is un invited, who will just randomly come and spoil the mood. he will find you even if u leae no trail.


im looking for julian
which julian? julian the narc?

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