The haunting in connecticut 2 review năm 2024

A young family moves into a historic home in Georgia, but they quickly discover they are not alone. The family soon comes face-to-face with a bone-chilling mystery born of a deranged desire…a haunting secret rising from underground.

The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia

My Score

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Summary A young family moves into a historic home in Georgia, but they quickly discover they are not alone. The family soon comes face-to-face with a bone-chilling mystery born of a deranged desire…a haunting secret rising from underground.

The helmer generates suspense with shrewd pacing, deft emotional manipulation and efficient use of familiar tricks jittery editing, flickering lights and unsettling sounds common to haunted-house pictures.

Actually offers some decent scares before descending into typical horror film bombast.

I personally like the movie some people rather listen to a lie than the truth. Especially when it comes to history of people of color. And it still continues to this day

Its a nice watchable movie,with unpredictable **** awesome as first one ,but decent movie.Well acted and dramatic ending as **** worth watching.

To the film’s credit, it doesn’t waste much time in doling out shadowy figures and fake-outs for the gullible and easily goosed, and the cast as a whole dutifully delivers its panicked looks and cries in the night.

The story is ultimately nothing more than a decrepit vehicle for the moldiest of scary-movie clichés: screechy specters, inane character behavior and jump scares that a toddler could anticipate minutes ahead of time.

The storytelling, from a script by David Coggeshall, is at times nearly incoherent and relies too often on random scares.

The rotting corpses, projectile insect vomit, and creepy geezers in black arrive pretty much on cue, as does the great Cicely Tyson as the obligatory old blind woman who "sees" more than most people with two good eyes. It's her upper bridge, though, that's truly the scariest thing in the whole movie.

I wasn’t expecting much going into this film mostly due to the ridiculous title of the picture but I actually enjoyed the film. There was the basic elements here to be far more scarier but where held back by standard effects tricks that now plague paranormal movies almost to the point of making them boring. Yet at moments I felt actual suspense and eerie tension as more dramatic scenes unfolded into real chilling events. The setting and story was creepy and the film version held a far more haunting presence than what I originally imagined from the actual story. The film veered from the true paranormal case with a more morbid, dark representation of the evil spirit haunting the land as well as the family. The action sequences were produced well creating a relief from the mediocre dramatic moments that tended to case me to drift off. I found “Ghosts Of Georgia” to be a far better ghost flick it’s predecessor and think the film could have gained a better reception from audiences had they not gone with the title. This film had a great set up, acceptable acting, plus all the expected moments of creepy chilling paranormal activity. It isn’t going to be a movie that really scares the hell out of anyone over the age of ten but it is a great movie about hauntings. The only downside was the very end after the amped up climax that felt way to hallmark-y, coming off completely cheesy and made for TV. I would tell people to see it and expect a better movie than “The Haunting In Connecticut” or “The Apparition”

The most baffling thing about this movie is the title. Why even have Connecticut in the name? The movie has nothing to do with the original and it doesn't take place in Connecticut. Why not just call it "The Haunting in Georgia"? The only thing that was redeeming in this movie was the little girl who played Heidi and the support hot redhead that played Joyce. Other than that, this is a terrible movie.

[SPOILER ALERT: This review contains spoilers.]

This movie is only trying to scare but it lacks story, and it lacks the way to capture its audience. I would recommend to skip this one. The movie is very dull and very confusing on to what the meaning of the movie is. The movie is way better to be left unwatched. Lions gate didn't make such a good movie this time. Not worth the watch. The story could've been written and directed better.

Ghosts of Georgia has some new ideas, but overall, it is filled with cliches and outdated ideas, old creaky stuff just to generate some scares that we pray for to work, at the end of the day, no shocks. Predictable and cheesy. At some points of the movie, I regret watching it and think that it would have been better to feel bored than watching this. I have some questions for the writers. Why should anyone sane, knows that some crazy stuff happening around him, move from his house at midnight rather than morning? And I don't think that anyone doing nothing, won't wait till morning, to do laundry! The acting is maybe good for a horror movie, I might give credit for that. The story is somehow interesting, and there is a little bit of ideas that are somehow new. So 3 out of 10 and I regret it.

Is The Haunting in Connecticut 2 a good movie?

The Haunting in Connecticut 2: Ghosts of Georgia Reviews Perhaps setting one in a rip-off bank would give us some much needed change. Not a truly terrible film, just completely underwhelming and anonymous. Obtuse characters, flimsy narrative and an over-reliance on horror clichs.

Is the haunting in Connecticut 1 and 2 related?

Having seen a slate from the production of this film, it was originally titled, "The Haunting in Georgia", but for some reason, it became a sequel to the 2009 horror film, "The Haunting In Connecticut", even though a] it has absolutely no connection to the original besides touting a based on a true story precursor like ...

What is the true story behind haunting in Connecticut 2?

It was released in a limited theatrical run, and through video on demand, on February 1, 2013. The story was inspired by the events surrounding the Wyrick house of Ellerslie, Georgia, which were published in the book The Veil: Heidi Wyrick's Story.

How many Jumpscares are in haunting in Connecticut 2?

So we appreciate the diligent effort that goes into recording the profusion of shocks in movies like the second “Haunting in Connecticut” film — which, at 32, contains the highest jump count on the site.

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