Techrate Audit là gì

We provide affordable yet intensive smart contracts audits. Our team of experienced solidity smart contract auditors performs audits for tokens, NFTs, crowdsales, marketplaces, gambling games, financial protocols, and more! We leverage a combination of static analysis, automated tools, and a robust manual review process to provide industry-leading security recommendations to project teams.

Simulation of a variety of interactions with your Smart Contract on a test blockchain leveraging a combination of automated test tools and manual testing to determine if any security vulnerabilities exist.

Manual line-by-line code reviews to ensure the logic behind each function is sound and safe from common and economic attack vectors. This is the most important and lengthy portion of the Solidity Audit process; as automated tools often cannot find the nuances that lead to exploits such as flash loan attacks.

Consulting with the team to provide our recommendations to ensure the code's security and optimize its gas efficiency, if possible. We assist project team's in resolving any outstanding issues or implementing the recommendations of the Solidity Audit.

Boiling down results and findings into an easy to read report tailored to the project. A Solidity Audit highlights resolved issues and any risks that exist to the project or its users, along with any remaining suggested remediation measures. Diagrams are included at the end of each audit report to help users understand the interactions which occur within the project.

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Our team has conducted 1000+ smart contract audits covering all major project types and protocols, securing a total of over $10 billion U.S. dollars in on-chain value. Solidity Finance is well-reputed in the community and is trusted as a top smart contract auditing company for the review of solidity code, no matter how complex.

  • Free Audit Quote
  • Turnaround as Fast as 36 Hours

  • Line-by-Line Manual Review
  • Free Review of Implemented Recommendations
  • Long-Time Solidity Experts
  • Clear and Concise Reports
  • Audits Accepted by IDO Platforms
  • Automated Penetration Testing

Partners & Notable Clients



Here is what some of our clients had to say about our firm and the work that we performed for them.

"Thank you for all of the work that the team has done. We really appreciate you all!" - c0inalchemist from Premia Finance

“Thank you for that! And will do! We love your work. Really thorough!” - Zee from Axia Protocol

“It was a pleasure having you assist with the audit! We look forward to working together in the future, and really appreciate all the recommendations!!!” - Trippyogi from

“Thank you! Super fast!” - Marty from Titano Finance

"Thank you for your thoroughness in this audit! ...thank you so much for this professional service. I look forward to working with you more!" - StarLocus from Shiburai

“I'm moving the money to the new contracts and deploying the fixed one ... you did really a fast and good job guys!” - Arm4x from Matrix Farm

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What is a smart contract audit?

A smart contract audit is a comprehensive review process designed to discover logical errors, security vulnerabilities, and optimization opportunities within code. A Solidity Audit takes this a step further by verifying economic logic to ensure the stability of smart contracts and highlighting privileged functionality to create a report that is easy to understand for developers and community members alike.

How long does a smart contract audit take?

The timeline for a Solidity Audit depends on the length and complexity of the smart contracts. We aim for a turnaround time of 2-14 days for most audits, though high complexity protocols may have longer turnaround times. We are able to deliver rushed audit reports for simpler smart contracts, such as ERC20 and BEP20 tokens, in as little as 36 hours.

What does a smart contract audit cost?

The cost of a smart contract audit can vary greatly based upon the length and complexity of the smart contracts to be audited as well. Please reach out to obtain a free quote and to find out the cost of a Solidity Audit tailored to your project's needs.

Do you audit projects on my blockchain?

We are chain-agnostic and do not discriminate! We are happy to review your project's codebase whether it is on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain [BSC], Polygon [Matic], Fantom, Avalance's C-Chain, Harmony One, KuCoin [KCC], Huobi Eco, Arbitrum, or any other EVM-compatible chain.

Do you require KYC?

We do not require KYC. We can offer KYC services, however, through our partner firm KYC Capital.

Can you attach an audit to an ICO/IDO/ILO?

We are approved auditors on Unicrypt Network and DxSale. For any presales utilizing Unicrypt or DxSale, we have the ability to add our audit to the ICO page.

Can you provide a legal opinion or help list our token?

We do not directly offer legal opinions or listing services. We have, however, partnered with industry-leading firms in both fields. While conducting a smart contract audit and ensuring the security of your project, we are happy to connect you with these experts.

Do you create custom smart contracts?

We are slowly beginning to restart the smart contract development arm of our business. Please reach out with a set of requirements for a project you would like to have built, and our team will get back to you with a quote.

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Solidity Finance was founded in 2020 and quickly grew to have one of the most experienced and well-equipped smart contract auditing teams in the industry.
Our US-based team includes software developers and testing specialists with experience from a variety of Fortune 50 firms.

Founder & Chief Executive Officer [CEO]

Co-Founder & Chief Technology Officer [CTO]

Co-Founder & Chief Operations Officer [COO]

Sr. Smart Contract Engineer
[Specialization: Applied Economic Modeling]

Sr. Smart Contract Engineer
[Specialization: Yield Farming Strategies]

Smart Contract Engineer
[Specialization: EIP/ERC Standards & NFTs]

Smart Contract Engineer
[Specialization: Flash Loans & Arbitrage Threat Mitigation]

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View our Hiring Page to learn more and apply!

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