Sửa lỗi this does not appear to be sketchup model năm 2024

So my problem is about opening my sketchup files because they won't work after I recovered them from an unexpected deletion that I am not aware of. I used EaseUS for the recovery and I noticed it has made a bunch of auto-copies renaming my files with at the end "_000", "_001" and so on. I tried everything: refreshing my PC, installing and uninstalling the program, changing file formats but still no luck. I've kept most of my original files away from the auto-copies and I put them all in a Drive right here [don't mind the title, I made some WIPs/concept models for a Mario game as a test]: //drive.google.com/drive/folders/1DqWW7Xv6Sgm0d4LO5wa5MqmEQL8kkGpC

As I use version SU Pro 2017, I'm not sure if one of you uses in comparison a different version, feel free to take a look and fix what's going wrong to my files, your help is gladly appreciated. Thanks.


  • if you still have access to the unrecovered data/drive you may want try the capable [but commercial] 'GetDataBack' [trial avail.] for advanced recovery purposes. good luck, P.S.: save early, safe often [old sayin']
  • I took a quick look... The first folder, RIP... BM64.skp is actually a PNG file ! BMHUBNight.skp is a v15 SKP, but it is corrupted and won't open. I suspect much the same for the rest.
  • Just what I thought, I was able to save one .skp file but the rest is affected by that corruption. I never heard things like sketchup files have data stored inside. Is it something very specific? I hope someone can help me--I posted this on the Google Help page as well--I'm baffled! I've been trying to download samples of entourage from various sites which sell such items. I just tried a bush jpeg--I unzipped it, sent it to Components in SU--it's there in name, but nothing is there to open. So I thought I would unzip the file to my desktop first--I did so, tried to open it, and it says, "this does not appear to be a Sketchup model"--and it won't open. The same happens if I try to download a jpeg from one of the entourage sites. And it happens sometimes when someone e-mails me a photo. What is going on? How can I stop this? I guess somehow SU is trying to open the jpeg, but why?
  • click and drag it into sketchup
  • Right mause button on photo,than go on properties. There go on change and select program depend what you have,windows paint or something similar. Jpeg is not a model it's a photo,you could import into sketch up but not open it with sketch up.
  • I don't want to open it with Sketchup. I want to open various jpegs [by double-clicking, for example], but this message keeps coming up and I can't open them [unless I want to use the picture and fax viewer, for example, which I don't].
  • Steve Pagan has correctly explained what's required as far as I understand your query but possibly I'm missing something. Am I right in saying when you double click a JPEG, you get the message "this does not appear to be a Sketchup model"? A JPEG of course isn't a Sketchup model but for some reason it is treating it as such but not opening it. It may possibly be due to you originally saving the JPEG's in your Sketchup components file. If you want to open a JPEG however you have to open it with some form of JPEG viewer whether that's the picture and fax viewer, Photoshop, Irfanview etc etc. You have to change your file association to a programme that you want to use. If it's not the picture and fax viewer then something else. Pagan did explain this but for a full explanation go to: //support.microsoft.com/kb/307859 Hopefully that should address your problem. If you want to use a JPEG in SketchUp you should import it as an image from within SketchUp. I hope that helps. Kenny
  • Maybe somehow your system associates jpeg files with SU. Try right clicking a jpeg file, go to the bottom most menu [Preferences or what - I have a Hungarian version of Windows] and in the popup menu there must be an "Associate" [or what] item where you can set the file association to your image viewer or editor. If you want to import an image into SU instead, go to File [menu] > Import and choose the image file type from there.
  • Thanks for helping on this! No, I haven't saved the jpegs in SU at all. For example, a friend e-mailed me a jpeg of a drawing he did--when I tried open it by double-clicking on the paperclip in OE, the message appeared. If I download a jpeg from a webite, the same. before I installed Sketchup, all I had to do to open these kinds of files was to double-click on them. I'm trying to get that feature back! I will try your "associate" idea--thanks!
  • That did it--thanks! Apparently, Sketchup had installed itself to open jpegs, so I changed the settings and it's back to normal!

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