Remote desktop with audio Mac

Question: Q: Screen Sharing and Audio Solution

Hi - I'm a video producer with a late 2015 iMac at work. I often connect remotely through VNC from my personal Macbook Pro to do video editing and motion graphics work on my more powerful work machine. However, the inability to stream the audio from my remote machine over VNC has lately become a big problem.

In fact, I'm surprised I can't find more information about this problem... I imagine others who work remotely are also facing this issue. Everything out there seems to support streaming audio from one mac to another through the SAME wireless network. Unfortunately, I'm needing the audio to stream from one mac to another, connected to different wireless networks. I do connect using VPN before initiating the screen share, so I think it would be possible to trick my personal computer into thinking it is on the same network as my work machine, but I haven't been able to figure out how to do that. I'm not able to reconfigure the router settings at my office at-will, so solutions that involve reconfiguring a router are probably out. I can get ports created for me if need be, but I can't significantly reconfigure the router[s] at my office.

When the machines are on the same wireless network [that is, when I bring my personal computer into the office to test my remote connection] I can get audio to stream from my work machine to my personal machine using Soundfly [and the Soundflower extension: //]. Everything works the way I want it.

However, once I am truly remote, meaning I'm no longer connected to the same wifi network as my work machine, I lose the ability to stream audio, because VNC does not support audio. This could be a very simple issue - I might just need to configure SoundFly to be looking at a different port - 5900 maybe? - but I'm thinking that even if SoundFly Receiver is looking for an audio stream over the network, the host machine won't send any audio data through the VNC connection, since VNC doesn't support audio. I'm also very new to this and might be misunderstanding how these technologies work.

I've been investigating premium screen sharing applications but can't seem to find any that aren't based on VNC. And VNC does not stream audio, under any circumstances, from what I've been able to figure out.

My questions are:

1] Is there a way to connect remotely from one mac to another that does not use VNC? Google Chrome's screen sharing extension perhaps? Does this extension stream audio? Will it be crash-prone if I'm trying to work in Premiere Pro and After Effects remotely?

2] If not, is there a way, using SoundFlower/SoundFly, or any other application, to stream audio over the internet to computers that are connected via VNC but on different networks? I've tried setting up an internet radio station, where the host computer is "broadcasting" and I'm the only listener tuned in, but there's a lag several minutes long and it just doesn't work.

3] Is there any way, through any possible configuration of my two machines, to send audio remotely from one Mac to another? As I've mentioned, I can get everything to work when the machines are physically in the same office. I feel like I'm 95% of the way there. The big hurdle is getting the audio from my work machine to flow across the internet to my laptop. I've seen info about creating a SSH tunnel, but I'm just not sure how that works or what that offers.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. There isn't really anyone at my work who understands Mac hardware/software, so I'm going at this alone. Any experiences or tricks that anyone has uncovered would be so hugely helpful. I know this used to be possible in some form or another through the iChat/iMessage/Messages application, but doing screen sharing through this method is complicated already because I have to screen share into my office to "accept" the invitation to share screens and the whole thing crashes. Thanks!!

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iMac, macOS Sierra [10.12.3]

Posted on May 2, 2017 10:08 AM

Reply I have this question too[159] I have this question too Me too[159] Me too

May 30, 2017 10:20 AM in response to greenie779 In response to greenie779

Your right the real issue is that VNC does not support audio.

Apple's Screen Sharing, ARD aka Remote Desktop and Back-to-my-Mac all are based on VNC code so all also lack the ability to include remote audio support.

The most common solution that does include at least some audio support is Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol as used in their Terminal Server and RDP client. I would not be surprised if their Mac client like most of their Mac software is crippled in this area.

Hypothetically you could run a RDP compatible server on one Mac and a RDP client on the other Mac. With regards to an RDP compatible server for the Mac - Microsoft do not do one but have a look at these.

// [expensive and audio not yet added]

// [a bit cheaper claims to already support audio]

// [free but requires more work to install, not sure if it supports audio but RDP as a protocol does]

See this comparison table //

I would not normally recommend making RDP access possible directly over the Internet. I would instead recommend you first establish a VPN connection to your LAN and then access RDP via the VPN connection. This is to prevent hackers breaking in and controlling your computers.

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May 30, 2017 10:20 AM

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May 30, 2017 10:20 AM in response to greenie779 In response to greenie779

Your right the real issue is that VNC does not support audio.

Apple's Screen Sharing, ARD aka Remote Desktop and Back-to-my-Mac all are based on VNC code so all also lack the ability to include remote audio support.

The most common solution that does include at least some audio support is Microsoft's Remote Desktop Protocol as used in their Terminal Server and RDP client. I would not be surprised if their Mac client like most of their Mac software is crippled in this area.

Hypothetically you could run a RDP compatible server on one Mac and a RDP client on the other Mac. With regards to an RDP compatible server for the Mac - Microsoft do not do one but have a look at these.

// [expensive and audio not yet added]

// [a bit cheaper claims to already support audio]

// [free but requires more work to install, not sure if it supports audio but RDP as a protocol does]

See this comparison table //

I would not normally recommend making RDP access possible directly over the Internet. I would instead recommend you first establish a VPN connection to your LAN and then access RDP via the VPN connection. This is to prevent hackers breaking in and controlling your computers.

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May 30, 2017 10:20 AM

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May 30, 2017 10:32 AM in response to John Lockwood In response to John Lockwood

Hi John,

Thanks so much for getting back to me with such a nuanced, thoughtful answer. I hadn't considered setting up two RDP clients on my two Macs, but that sounds promising [and yes, Microsoft Remote Desktop is crippled when it comes to connecting two Macs to one another, though I use that Inception-style occasionally to remote from my personal Macbook Pro to my work iMac then to my work PC, when I need to make WMV files].

CodeRebel's iRapp program looks so, so perfect - but a message on their site indicates they've been out of business since July 2016. So it looks like I can't even get a trial version of the program from them. I'd be interested in experimenting with iRapp if there's a download clone somewhere. Is there anything that comes close? I'd be interested in any RDP client that can be installed on a Mac.

How does Google Chrome's screen sharing work? Is that RDP, VNC, or something else?

At this point, I'm happy to go with a proven proprietary protocol instead of RDP or VNC if I can just get this to work. Your list turned me on to AnyDesk, which uses a proprietary protocol instead of RDP or VNC. //

Has this service worked for anyone else?

And yes, I connect through a VPN connection for security reasons.

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May 30, 2017 10:32 AM

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