Religious holidays 2023

April 2023

Do not schedule Scouting events on red highlighted dates. If programs must be scheduled on red highlighted dates, councils should arrange alternate dates for the events that do not conflict with that religion’s holidays.








Lent; Ramadan; Gerneral Conference, LDS
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lent; Ramadan; General Conference; Holy Week, Christian; Palm Sunday, Christian Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Mahavir Jayanti, Jain Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Hanuman Jayanti, Hindu; Passover, Jewish Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Passover; Theravadin, Buddhist; Maundy Thursday, Christian Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Passover; Theravadin; Good Friday, Christian Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Passover; Theravadin; Hanamatsuri, Buddhist
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Lent; Ramadan; Holy Week; Passover; Theravadin; Easter, Christian; Palm Sunday, Eastern Orthodox Ramadan; Passover; Holy Week, Eastern Orthodox Ramadan; Passover; Holy Week Ramadan; Passover; Holy Week Ramadan; Passover; Holy Week Ramadan; Holy Week; Holy Friday, Eastern Orthodox; Birth of Guru Nanak Sahib, Sikh; Khalsa Day, Sikh Ramadan; Holy Week
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Ramadan; Holy Week; Pascha, Eastern Orthodox; Laylat Al Qdar, 27th night Ramadan; Laylat al Qdar, 27th night; Yom Hashoah, Jewish Ramadan ; Yom Hashoah; Laylat al Qdar 29th night, Islam Ramadan; Laylat al Qdar 29th night Ramadan Ridvan, First Day, Baha’I; Eid al Fitr, Islam Eid al Fitr
23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Feast of the Great Martyr St. George; Eastern Orthodox Yom Ha’atsmaut, Jewish Yom Ha’atsmaut Ridvan, Ninth Day, Baha’i Ridvan, Ninth Day
Maidozarem Gahambar, Zoroastrian

These occasions are primarily solar calendar dates and go on the same from year to year.
Note: 1. * Holy days usually begin at sundown the day before this date. 
       2. ** Local or regional customs may use a variation of this date.


  • 1
    • Mary, Mother of God - Catholic Christian
    • Feast Day of St Basil - Orthodox Christian
    • Shogatsu/Gantan-sai [New Years] - Shinto
    • Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus - Orthodox
  • 5
    • Twelfth Night - Christian
    • Guru Gobindh Singh birthday - Sikh
  • 6
    • Epiphany - Christian
    • Feast of the Epiphany [Theophany] - Orthodox Christian
    • Dia de los Reyes [Three Kings Day] - Christian
  • 7
    • Feast of the Nativity - Orthodox Christian
  • 8
    • Feast of the Holy Family - Catholic Christian
  • 13
    • Maghi - Sikh
  • 17
    • Blessing of the Animals - Hispanic Catholic Christian
  • 18
    • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity - Christian
  • 25
    • Conversion of St. Paul - Christian
  • 30
    • Mahayana New Year 3 days** - Buddhism
  • Definitions


  • 2
    • Candlemas - Presentation of Christ in the Temple - Christian
    • Imbolc [Candlemas] * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
    • Saint Brighid of Kildare - Christian
  • 3
    • St. Blaze Day - Christian
    • Setsebun [beginning of spring] - Shinto
  • 14
    • St. Valentine's Day - Christian
  • 15
    • Nirvana Day ** - Buddhist
  • 24
    • Saint Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist - Christian
  • Definitions


  • 1
    • St. David of Wales - Christian
  • 17
    • St. Patrick's Day - Christian
  • 19
    • St. Joseph's Day - Christian
  • 21
    • Norooz [New Year] - Persian/Zoroastrian
    • Naw-R�z [New Year] * - Baha'i
    • Ostara * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
  • 25
    • Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Christian
  • 26
    • Khordad Sal [Birth of Prophet Zaranthushtra] Zoroastrian
  • 30
    • Magha Puja Day ** - Buddhism
  • Definitions


  • 9
    • Easter - Christian
  • 14
    • Baisakhi [Vaisakhi] - Sikh
  • 16
    • Theravadin New Year 3 days ** - Buddhism
  • 21
    • First Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 23
    • St. George's Day - Christian
  • 25
    • Saint Mark, Apostle and Evangelist - Christian
  • 29
    • Ninth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 30
    • St. James the Great Day - Orthodox Christian
  • Definitions


  • 1
    • Beltane * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
  • 2
    • Twelfth Day of Ridvan *  - Baha'i
  • 3
    • Saints Philip & James - Christian
  • 4
    • National Day of Prayer - USA - Interfaith
  • 24
    • Declaration of the Bab * - Baha'i
  • 27
    • Visakha Puja - Buddha Day ** - Buddhism
  • 29
    • Ascension of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i



  • 9
    • St. Columba of Iona - Celtic Christian
  • 16
    • Guru Arjan martyrdom - Sikh
  • 19
    • New Church Day - Swedenborgian Christian
  • 22
    • First Nations Day - Canadian Native People
    • Litha Summer Solstice * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
  • 24
    • Saint John the Baptist - Christian
  • 29
    • Feast Day of Saints Peter and Paul - Christian
  • Definitions


  • 10
    • Martyrdom of the Bab * - Baha'i
  • 11
    • St Benedict Day - Catholic Christian
  • 13
    • Obon [Ulambana] ** - Buddhist/Shinto 
  • 15
    • St. Vladimir the Great Day - Orthodox Christian
    • Saint Vladimir - Christian
  • 24
    • Pioneer Day- Mormon Christian
  • 25
    • St. James the Great Day - Christian
  • 26
    • Asalha Puja Day [Dhamma Day] ** - Buddhism
  • Definitions


  • 1
    • Lammas - Christian
    • Lughnassad [Lammas] * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
    • Fast in honor of Holy Mother of Jesus - Orthodox
  • 6
    • Transfiguration of the Lord - Orthodox Christian
  • 15
    • Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary - Catholic Christian
    • Dormition of the Theotokos - Orthodox Christian
  • 29
    • Beheading of St. John the Baptist - Christian
  • Definitions


  • 1
    • Religious year begins - Orthodox Christian
  • 8
    • Nativity of Virgin Mary - Christian
  • 14
    • Elevation of the Life Giving Cross [Holy Cross] - Christian
  • 21
    • Fall Equinox * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
  • 29
    • Michael and All Angels - Christian
  • Definitions


  • 4
    • St Francis Day - Catholic Christian
    • Blessing of the Animals - Christian
  • 6
    • Saint Thomas Day - Christian
  • 18 
    • St. Luke, Apostle & Evangelist - Christian
  • 20
    • Installation of Scriptures as Guru Granth - Sikh
  • 26
    • Birth of the Bab * - Baha'i
  • 27
    • Birth of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i
  • 28
    • Milvian Bridge Day - Christian
  • 31
    • All Hallows Eve - Christian
    • Reformation Day - Protestant Christian
    • Samhain - * Wicca/Neo Pagan
    • Deep Diwali - Jain
  • Definitions


  • 1
    • All Saints Day - Christian
  • 2
    • All Souls Day - Catholic Christian
  • 12
    • Birth of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i
  • 15
    • Nativity Fast begins - ends Dec. 24 - Orthodox Christian
  • 24
    • Martyrdom of Guru Tegh Bahdur - Sikh
  • 26
    • Day of the Covenant * - Baha'i
  • 28
    • Ascension of  'Abdu'l-Baha * - Baha'i
  • 30
    • St. Andrew's Day - Christian
  • Definitions


  • 6
    • Saint Nicholas Day - Christian
  • 8
    • Bodhi Day  [Rohatsu] ** - Buddhism
    • Immaculate Conception of Mary - Catholic Christian
  • 12
    • Feast day - Our Lady of Guadalupe - Catholic Christian
  • 16-25
    • Posadas Navidenas - Hispanic Christian
  • 21
    • Yule - Christian
    • Saint Thomas the Apostle - Christian
  • 22
    • Yule/Winter Solstice * - Wicca/Neo Pagan
  • 24
    • Christmas Eve - Christian
  • 25
    • Christmas * - Christian
    • Feast of the Nativity ** - Orthodox Christian
  • 26
    • Zarathosht Diso [Death of Prophet Zarathushtra]  Zoroastrian
    • St Stephen's Day - Christian
  • 28
    • Holy Innocents - Christian
  • 30
    • Holy Family - Catholic Christian
  • 31
    • Watch Night - Christian
  • Definitions

Updated on June 18, 2017 Return to Interfaith Calendar Home Page

What is the holiday calendar for 2023?

2023 Holidays.

Is May 15 2023 a holiday?

Today is International Day of Families.

What are the holy days of Christianity?

Advent Sunday. Advent Sunday is the start of the Christian year and, in the Western churches, is four Sundays before Christmas. ... .
All Saints' Day – 1 November. ... .
Ascension Day. ... .
Christmas Day - 25 December [Western Christians] ... .
Easter Day. ... .
Epiphany - 6 January. ... .
Good Friday. ... .
Lent and Ash Wednesday..

What religious holiday is on Friday?

Friday, April 15th, 2022 Good Friday is a Christian holiday commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus and his death at Calvary. It is observed during Holy Week as part of the Page 2 Paschal Triduum. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Great and Holy Friday.

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