rawks là gì - Nghĩa của từ rawks

rawks có nghĩa là

The idiots way of spelling rock...often used in scentances as follows...

Ví dụ

LyKe oH mY gAwD thAt NeW aVriL lAviGnE sOwNg Iz SoOh kEwL iT tOTaLy rAwkS!

rawks có nghĩa là

The sound an albatross makes.

Ví dụ

LyKe oH mY gAwD thAt NeW aVriL lAviGnE sOwNg Iz SoOh kEwL iT tOTaLy rAwkS!

rawks có nghĩa là

The sound an albatross makes.

Ví dụ

LyKe oH mY gAwD thAt NeW aVriL lAviGnE sOwNg Iz SoOh kEwL iT tOTaLy rAwkS!

rawks có nghĩa là

The sound an albatross makes. Rawk rawk, I'm an albatross, rawk! A sarcastic replacement for the word "rock", especially used by veteran fans of a rock genre to describe younger fans who've joined solely for the purpose of being trendy. It's also used in the form "rawker" to describe a person. 1]Hey, dude, your little sister really seems to be quite fond of hardcore rawk acts like *NSYNC. 2]As we drove past the high school, we turned down our Dead Kennedys album, so as not to give the punk rakers gathered there any ideas. 1] RAWK is used to express joy, as in a rallying cry. 2] It can also mean congratulations.

RAWK is the slang spelling of ROCK, originally used by metal fans.

Quite often, it's used to parody [and self-parody] the hard-core fan.


Ví dụ

LyKe oH mY gAwD thAt NeW aVriL lAviGnE sOwNg Iz SoOh kEwL iT tOTaLy rAwkS!

rawks có nghĩa là

The sound an albatross makes.

Ví dụ

Rawk rawk, I'm an albatross, rawk! A sarcastic replacement for the word "rock", especially used by veteran fans of a rock genre to describe younger fans who've joined solely for the purpose of being trendy. It's also used in the form "rawker" to describe a person.

rawks có nghĩa là

1]Hey, dude, your little sister really seems to be quite fond of hardcore rawk acts like *NSYNC. 2]As we drove past the high school, we turned down our Dead Kennedys album, so as not to give the punk rakers gathered there any ideas.

Ví dụ

1] RAWK is used to express joy, as in a rallying cry. 2] It can also mean congratulations.

rawks có nghĩa là

RAWK is the slang spelling of ROCK, originally used by metal fans.

Ví dụ

This is so rawking. This rawks.

rawks có nghĩa là

Quite often, it's used to parody [and self-parody] the hard-core fan.

Ví dụ

Whereas "rock" holds a classic connotation [eg: The Stooges, Led Zeppelin], "rawk" is reserved for later bands of a similar but expanded-modern style [eg: Rye Coalition, At the Drive-In].

rawks có nghĩa là

RAWKSOME! [Rocks+Awesome]
rawks my sawks!

Ví dụ

rawkus! [used like awesome]
rawkfist ["rock fist" - forefinger and pinky straight up and your other fingers down, with your thumb over them] Let's RAWK! You RAWK! We RAWK! I RAWK!

rawks có nghĩa là

alternate spelling of "rock", which is to say that something rocks.

Ví dụ

"didja go to that show last weekend?"
"yeah, it f***'in rawked!" rawks slang for rocks Damen: Britney Spears rawks
Kasper: No she doesnt, pull together dude! it means cool. or it is totally awesome. This is so rawking. This rawks. When referring to a music genre, a modernized version of its classic form "rock." Whereas "rock" holds a classic connotation [eg: The Stooges, Led Zeppelin], "rawk" is reserved for later bands of a similar but expanded-modern style [eg: Rye Coalition, At the Drive-In].

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