philosopher là gì - Nghĩa của từ philosopher

philosopher có nghĩa là

The best kind of person. A person that just thinks about things, which then enables other people to do things.


Carpenter: I built a house.

Doctor: I saved a woman's life.

Scientist: I've designed the missle defense system our country uses.

Dumbass: I only measure direct contributions, and I fail to understand that it is possible for something to indirectly benefit society. I'm the kind of person that thinks that rebounds and assists are useless in basketball.

Philosopher: I am interested in a discipline that has given birth to democracy and other political theories, the natural sciences, psychology, and more recently, cognitive science. Without the work conducted in philosophy, a monarch could destroy the house that a carpenter built without any compensation, and the knowledge necessary to save a person's life or to build a missile defense system would have not likely occurred.

I use logic to reach conclusions that are either necessary, contingent, or contradictory [impossible]. Computers and robotics would be impossible without my contributions to propositional calculus, first-order logic, temporal logic, and modal logic.

philosopher có nghĩa là

One who spends his life pondering questions that no one has asked, which have no answers, for use in debates of no meaning.


Refutation of the Nonexistence of Impossibility has successfully refuted empiricism, nihilism, subjectivism, constructivism, pantheism, intrinsicism, solipsism, objectivism, nominalism, conventionalism, materialism, accidentalism, irrationalism, emotionalism, representationalism, phenomenalism, agnosticism, intuitionism, theism, skepticism, esotericism, probabilism, rationalism, foundationalism, coherentism, atheism, relativism, mysticism, altruism, idealism, fatalism, hedonism, humanism, inhumanism, pragmatism, sensualism, utilitarianism, egoism, anarchism, animism, determinism, behaviorism, capitalism, transcendentalism, dualism, collectivism, cannibalism, axhilism, libertarianism, dogmatism, egalitarianism, immoralism, individualism, existentialism, interpretevism, logicism, meliorism, multiculturalism, reductionism, secularism, socialism, stoicism, and aestheticism.

You can negate all existence and meaning through philosophy. Of course, you can argue that philosophical reasoning is limited and refutes itself, but that is also a philosophical argument.

philosopher có nghĩa là

Someone who wasted the money their parents paid to get them through college.


I majored in philosophy, would like fries with that?

philosopher có nghĩa là

The worst kind of person. The person that doesn't do anything, but just thinks about things.


Carpenter: I built a house.

Doctor: I saved a woman's life.

Scientist: I've designed the missle defense system our country uses.

Philosopher: I've decided I do exist.

philosopher có nghĩa là

The most dangerous sort of person. By means of intuition, thought, symbols, and words, a philosopher may build or destroy civilizations, all behind the scenes, unknown by those who end up using her ideas as everyday beliefs. The power of the philosopher, for good or ill, often lasts well beyond the grave, over centuries and millennia. Philosophers aim at discovering truth. As truth is perspectival and has an historical aspect, no philosopher or philosophy captures all truth absolutely in all its possible nuances and applications. Many thinkers misunderstand this fact of reality and human finitude, while other schools have grasped it. Those that don't understand the limited nature of human beings believe their philosophy is a complete system that explains reality absolutely, usually with disastrous consequences historically; those that do understand this create philosophies that are open-ended and admit that progress in understanding is possible over time, each generation adding and amending errors as needed.


"Hegel, an absolutist 19th c. philosopher who believed he had explained all of reality, influenced Karl Marx, who, in turn, believed his philosophy explained all of reality. In turn, Ayn Rand took Marx's philosophy and turned it upside-down and, just as absolutely, believed she had completely explained all of reality. All three philosophers have had a certain detrimental effect on history - Hegel influencing Nazism, Marx Communism, and Rand an authoritarian resurrection of Laissez-Faire Capitalism and worship of selfishness."

philosopher có nghĩa là

A person who thinks philosophy is a real job. A person who thinks about senseless things, then tries to convince everyone that he is right.


Philosopher: Is it alright to lie? Student: Sometimes, I suppose Philosopher: That's not an answer, just say yes or no. Student: Uhh, no then. Philosopher: But what if terrorist were asking where all your friends lived, would you tell the truth? Student: Just shut up, that is a stupid thing to ask.

philosopher có nghĩa là

The academic equivalent of a guru.

A guru scams you by feeding you metaphysical horse crap and all he wants in exchange is for you to give up all of your worldy possessions and follow him but since you'll be giving up all of your worldy possessions,why not sell them and give the proceeds to the guru?

Whereas a philosopher is pretty much in the exact same business except the scam is to sell books.


I fucking hate philosophy and philosophers.

philosopher có nghĩa là

Someone who makes a living out of thinking. What they essentially do is create "constructs" and boundaries for what can and cannot be thought or what is or what is not acceptable behaviour.

Their job is to make a construct that is acceptable to the largest number of people so that we don't go nuts killing each other.

That's the BEST they can do. And usually they suck at it because there's always a good deal of people smart enough not to fall for that bullshit.

It's arguable that if there were no philosophers to conjure up bullshit "social contracts," we'd all learn to get along fairly peacefully anyhow. In reality no rules for life do exist and we all get along pretty fucking well.

So essentially they are a bunch of [usually old] wankers blowing wind up each other's asses.


David Hume, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and a medley of other asshats can be considered "Philosophers".

philosopher có nghĩa là

A study of though of which there are 2 Arch Types,

Realist Philosophers: Asks not why, but how

Bull****er philosopher: Spends all day asking.....whyyyyyyy?

There may exist a counter balance of the 2 but these findings are inconclusive.


"Confucious was a realist philosopher, you are a bull****er"

philosopher có nghĩa là

One who says lines of the syntax:
"As a famous philosopher once said..."
A Spanish phrase is often included in after the introduction.


As a slightly less known philosopher once said: "We report in menos days." As a famous philosopher once said, "Interests connect people." Yeah, these next 2.5 weeks will be "mucho long" [Philosopher].

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