Lỗi this test page briefly demonstrates the printer& 39 năm 2024

If you are looking to print a test page online, we have some PDF printer test pages available to download.

By printing test pages, you can effectively analyse and calibrate your printer’s performance. It will help you to check the print quality of your printer [and cartridges] and will highlight any issues that your printer device may be having.

A printer test page can be used to identify issues such as:

Blocked printheads: These can become blocked for a number of reasons, but the most common is that the ink cartridge and the printer head has dried out. This can be quite common if you don't use your printer often. We recommend covering your printer when it is not in use to keep it free from dirt and debris. This will help stop the printer heads from becoming clogged.

Alignment issues: No matter what printer you have, be it an HP printer or a Brother printer, alignment might fail due to cartridges sitting unevenly. If your printer fails to line up your printed pages properly or you get the "alignment failed" error message, then that is an indication of this.

Inconsistent ink flow: If your inkjet printer has gone unused for a long period of time, the printheads may have become blocked or the ink in and around the printer cartridge may have dried out to cause inconsistent ink flow. Our colour test page will help you check the quality of your printer ink to ensure that the ink is flowing into your printer without issue.

Printer status: If your printer is printing test pages with no issues, but not printing any other documents, then you can confirm that the cause is a system communication issue rather than a mechanical printer issue.

There are two types of printer test pages available to download below, with a step-by-step guide. A colour test page and a greyscale test page.

Printer Colour Test Pages

This downloadable PDF colour test page will allow you to check the print quality of your printer. We recommend that you print this page on at least 80gsm paper in normal quality and at full size [100%]. The PDF below is to be used for testing printers that use four or more colours. The test page shows a colour intensities graph, rainbow bars, radial gradients and a text block.

How to Print a Test Page From Your Computer

  1. Click on the Windows start button.
  2. Select control panel [or type "control panel" in the search bar].
  3. Click "View devices and printers".
  4. Use the mouse and right click on the icon for your printer.
  5. Select "Printer Properties".
  6. Click "Print Test Page".
  7. A printer test page will now be sent to your printer. Once your test page has printed, click "OK" to close the pop-up window.

Alternatively, you can simply download and print our colour test page below, which will have everything you need. Or if printing in greyscale, check our downloadable greyscale printer test page below.

Is the Print Quality Not to Your Liking?

It is possible that the printer cartridge needs to be replaced. This can differ per printer. If this is not the case and the print quality is still bad, please send a scan or photo of your printed colour test page to our Customer Service team. They will then be able to assess the print quality and best advise you on how to fix the potential problem.

Printer Greyscale Test Page

This downloadable PDF greyscale test page is best for testing the abilities of your black ink cartridge. As with the colour printer test page, it includes an intensities graph, radial gradients and a text block with descending sizes. This demonstrates current printer settings and scaling. Also shown is a grid, which helps the printhead align and ensures that the printhead is providing accurate printouts.

Our printing test pages should provide you with a robust and well-rounded printer analysis. A print quality problem can have several causes, if you look at our FAQs, you will find some possible causes and solutions. Alternatively, you can contact our Customer Service team.

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