Lỗi cannot print unless an item is selected năm 2024

Không in được trên outlook [ cannot print unless an item is selected. Select an item, and then try to print again.]

Cannot print unless an item is selected. Select an item, and then try to print again

Chúng ta có 2 cách để xử lý việc này như sau :

Cách 1 :

  1. Bấm Bắt đầu , trỏ đến Tìm kiếm , rồi bấm vào Tệp hoặc Thư mục .
  1. Trong tìm kiếm tệp hoặc thư mục có tên, nhập Outlprnt, rồi bấm tìm kiếm ngay.
  1. Bấm chuột phải vào tệp Outlprnt, rồi bấm đổi tên.
  1. Nhập tên mới cho tệp Outlprnt, [chẳng hạn như Outlprnt.old]
  1. Khởi động lại Outlook và sau đó thử in lại.

Cách 2 :

  1. Bấm tổ hợp phím Windown + R
  2. Copy đoạn code này vào và enter xong thự hiện đổi tên giống cách 1 là xong. % userprofile% \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Outlook

Make sure the printer is properly connected to your computer, does not display any errors [e.g. a paper jump], and prints normally from other applications.

Method 2. Delete Outlprnt File.

1. Close Outlook application.

2. Press the Windows

+ R keys to open the run command box.

3. Type %appdata%\Microsoft\Outlook and press Enter.

4. Delete the OutlPrnt file. *

* Note: If you cannot find the "OutlPrnt" file proceed to next method.

5. Start Outlook and try to print.

Method 3. Run Outlook in Safe Mode.

Another method for solving Outlook printing problems is to start the Outlook application in safe mode and check if the problems remain.

1. Press simultaneously the Windows

+ R keys to open the run command box.

2. Type: outlook /safe and click OK.

3. Try to print an email and according the result perform the corresponding action mentioned below:

  • If you still cannot print, proceed to next method.
  • If you can print without any problem, proceed to find which add-in cause the problem. To do that:
  1. Click the File menu and select Options.
  2. Select Add-ins at the left pane.
  3. At the right pane, select COM Add-ins and click Go…

  1. Uncheck all the checkboxes to disable all the Add-ins and click OK
  1. Restart Outlook.
  2. Try to print again. If you can print without problem, proceed and re-enable one-by-one all the disabled Add-ins and restart Outlook, until you find which one causes the problem.

Method 4. Repair Office installation.

1. Open Programs and Features in Control Panel.

2. In Programs and Features, select the Microsoft Office product that installed on your system and click Change.

3. Select Repair and click Continue.

4. Select the Quick Repair option and then wait the Office repair to complete.

5. After repair, open Outlook and try to print. If the print problem persists, follow the same steps but this time choose the Online Repair option to reinstall your office product [requires an Internet connection]. *

* Additional steps to fix print problems in Outlook:

1. Install all available Windows updates. 2. Uninstall and reinstall the Printer's driver.

That's all folks! Which method worked for you? Please leave a comment in the comment section below or even better: like and share this blog post in the social networks to help spread the word about this solution.

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Konstantinos is the founder and administrator of Repairwin.com. Since 1995 he works and provides IT support as a computer and network expert to individuals and large companies. He is specialized in solving problems related to Windows or other Microsoft products [Windows Server, Office, Microsoft 365, etc.].

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