Khắc phục lỗi không lưu được trong video scribe

Dạ cho mình hỏi cách để khắc phục lỗi không đăng nhập được tài khoản trên Videoscribe ạ. Trước đây mình đã cr@ck và sử dụng bình thường nhưng hôm nay vào lại không đăng nhập được, mình có tạo 2 tài khoản mới và xóa phần mềm đi cài lại, có sử dụng internet block theo tư vấn của 1 bạn trên diễn đàn luôn nhưng không cách nào được ạ. Nhờ mng hỗ trợ trường hợp này giúp mình ạ

On Tue, 3 May, 2016 at 9:13 PM

I can not save my videoscribe file at all. I have tried saving both locally, and to a server. I have not had this problem before I downloaded the newest version of videoscribe which is 2.3.50. I do not know why it is not saving. I have uploaded it to the cloud under the name of PTP_V2.

  • Barry Radford On Wed, 4 May, 2016 at 11:01 AM This issue is normally caused by a corrupted link to the music or voiceover file that is being used on the scribe. If you remove all audio from the scribe it should then save. Once saved you can then re-add the audio back into the scribe to create new links.
  • Scott Gutke On Thu, 5 May, 2016 at 8:57 PM Update: I removed the audio link, and attempted to save and still had the same issue. Therefore, I had one of my employees install Videoscribe on a computer she has never used before, then open the offending file, and attempt to save. There were no longer any issues. Now, two days later, she is still using the same new compute and she has not ran into any issues.
  • Barry Radford On Fri, 6 May, 2016 at 9:56 AM Scott, if that working file is exported now and imported on your computer can you save it again or are you still having the same issue?
  • Chuck Hamman On Wed, 13 Jul, 2016 at 8:28 PM I had the same problem. I deleted and reinserted the audio... good to go! Thanks Barry!
  • MARK WAGNER On Mon, 9 Jan, 2017 at 9:38 PM I can save a file, but can not save the same file to the cloud or produce a scribe WHY IS THIS ????
  • Mike Metcalf On Tue, 10 Jan, 2017 at 2:29 AM
  • try the solutions suggested above
  • sometimes if you make any changes you have to save the new changes locally before you can save to the cloud with the same name.
  • if you are a pro user and cannot publish a video, save your work to the cloud folder, or save as a .scribe file and attach it here, and raise a support ticket and ask customer support for help identifying the problem[s] with your project. -Mike [videoscribe user]
  • Richie Richard On Thu, 23 Mar, 2017 at 6:38 PM please help its getting save but not opening
  • Mike Metcalf On Thu, 23 Mar, 2017 at 7:47 PM Hi Richie, If you saved your project as a .scribe file, it can only be opened by importing it back into videoscribe. You can't double click it to open it. It is not a video file. if you want a video then open your project in videoscribe and then click the publish/render button in the upper right corner and choose from the available publishing options.

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