How many arrangements of the word daughter are there if none of the vowels can ever be together?

Solution : No. of letters in the word 'DAUGHTER' =8
[i] If there is no restriction,
No. of permutations to fill 8 places with given 8 letters `= P_[8] = 8! = 40320`.
[ii] In the word 'DAUGHTER'. Vowels = A,U,E and Consonants = D,G,T,H,R
`rArr` No. of vowels and consonants are 3 and 5 respectively.
`:'` A,U,E are always together
`:.` Treating these letters as one letter, the letters are `5 +1 = 6`
Now the number of arrangement of 6 letters at 6 places `= .^[6]P_[6] = 6! = 720` and Number of arrangement of letters A,U,E at 3 places `= .^[3]P_[3] = 3! =6`.
`:.` Required arrangements `= 720 xx 6 = 4320`
[iii] For the words starting with A
A will be at first place and no of arrangements of remaining 7 letters at remaining 7 places
`=.^[7]P_[7] = 7! = 5040`.
[iv] For the words starting with A and ending with R,
No. of arrangements of remaining 6 letters at remaining 6 places
`=.^[6]P_[6] = 6! = 720`.

Hi all,

I would appreciate any feedback on my solution to this problem.


How many arrangements of the word DAUGHTER are there if none of the vowels can ever be together?

Solution attempt:

3 vowels and 5 consonants

Arrangements with no restrictions = 8! = 40320All [three] vowels together = 6!3!=4320Two vowels together = 7!2!=10080


No vowels together = No restrictions - three vowels together - two vowels together=40320 - 4320 - 10080 = 25920 ways

Does my logic make sense? Have I missed any cases? I'm trying to use permutations only.

Thanks for the help!


Thanks for all the help!

The gist I was getting from the comments was that when I subtract 2 vowels together I am also getting 'more than 2 vowels together' [so, three vowels]. To compensate for this I should add the ways of arranging 3 vowels together back so as to not subtract twice.

No restrictions - 2 vowels together + 3 vowels together = 8! - 7! * 6 + 6!3! = 14400

How many words can be formed from the letters of the word ‘DAUGHTER’ so that
[i] The vowels always come together?
[ii] The vowels never come together?



Hint: The word daughter has $8$ letters in which $3$ are vowels. For the vowels to always come together consider all the $3$ vowels to be one letter [suppose V] then total letters become $6$ which can be arranged in $6!$ ways and the vowels themselves in $3!$ ways.Complete step-by-step answer:
Given word ‘DAUGHTER’ has $8$ letters in which $3$ are vowels and 5 are consonants. A, U, E are vowels and D, G, H, T, R are consonants.
[i]We have to find the total number of words formed when the vowels always come together.
Consider the three vowels A, U, E to be one letter V then total letters are D, G, H, T, R and V. So the number of letters becomes $6$
So we can arrange these $6$ letters in $6!$ ways. Since the letter V consists of three vowels, the vowels themselves can interchange with themselves. So the number of ways the $3$vowels can be arranged is $3!$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed will be=number of ways the $6$ letters can be arranged ×number of ways the $3$ vowels can be arranged
On putting the given values we get,
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$6! \times 3!$
We know $n! = n \times \left[ {n - 1} \right]! \times ...3,2,1$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$6 \times 4 \times 5 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1$
On multiplying all the numbers we get,
 $ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$24 \times 5 \times 6 \times 6$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$120 \times 36$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$4320$
The number of words formed from ‘DAUGHTER’ such that all vowels are together is $4320$.

[ii]We have to find the number of words formed when no vowels are together.
Consider the following arrangement- _D_H_G_T_R
The spaces before the consonants are for the vowels so that no vowels come together. Since there are $5$ consonants so they can be arranged in $5!$ ways.
There are $6$ spaces given for $3$ vowels. We know to select r things out of n things we write use the following formula-${}^{\text{n}}{{\text{C}}_{\text{r}}}$=$\dfrac{{n!}}{{r!n - r!}}$
So to select $3$ spaces of out $6$ spaces =${}^6{{\text{C}}_3}$
And the three vowels can be arranged in these three spaces in $3!$ ways.
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=${}^6{{\text{C}}_3} \times 3! \times 5!$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$\dfrac{{6!}}{{3!6 - 3!}} \times 5! \times 3!$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$\dfrac{{6!}}{{3!}} \times 5!$
On simplifying we get-
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$\dfrac{{6 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3!}}{{3!}} \times 5!$
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$120 \times 5 \times 4 \times 3 \times 2 \times 1$
On multiplying we get,
$ \Rightarrow $ The total number of words formed=$14400$
The total number of words formed from ‘DAUGHTER’ such that no vowels are together is $14400$.

Note: Combination is used when things are to be arranged but not necessarily in order. Permutation is a little different. In permutation, order is important. Permutation is given by-
$ \Rightarrow {}^n{P_r} = \dfrac{{n!}}{{n - r!}}$ Where n=total number of things and r=no. of things to be selected.

How many words can be formed from daughter if vowels are not together?

The total number of words formed from 'DAUGHTER' such that no vowels are together is 14400.

How many possible arrangements of daughter when vowels come together?

∴ Required number of words = 6 ! × 3 ! = 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 × 3 × 2 = 4320.

How many ways can the letters of the word daughter be arranged to that the vowels may appear in the odd places?

So, there are 4 odd places. Hence, there are 2880 different words.

How many ways Word arrange can be arranged in which vowels are not together?

number of arrangements in which the vowels do not come together =5040−1440=3600 ways.

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