How do you unprotect a sheet in Excel without the password?


This approach still works although I haven't tested it recently.

Save the workbook under a new name but use Save as Type "Excel 97-2003"

That operation in your new workbook will have lost all features used by Excel versions after Excel 2003.

You then need access to a computer running a version of Excel before Excel 2016 and preferably as early as 2007.

Open your file on the computer running the old version of Excel.

Open also the file I attach to this post. That file can run on later versions of Excel but doesn't work on Excel 365, or Excel 2019, or 2016. I think it might work with a bit of a 'glitch' on 2013. It does work on 2012 and before.

I wrote an explanatory document on including the code used this in Word and I attach that for your assistance.

You can also copy the allinternalpasswords VBA code I wrote in 2002 from:

McGimpsey & Associates : Excel : Remove internal XL passwords

That code will find a password that opens any number of hidden sheets or protected structure.

The disadvantage is that you lose all features from later versions of Excel but you will generally, at least, have back access to all your data and that, indeed, might well be your lifesaver.

Old versions of Excel are still available on Ebay etc. But they really need installing on a computer without any later versions of Excel on it or using a Virtual machine approach.

Hope that helps. Sorry I haven't tested it as I don't have access to an ancient version of Excel at present and don't run a Virtual Machine.

Norman Harker

I recently had the circumstance where a client sent me a copy of a spreadsheet that was password protected, however the client no longer had the password to unlock the content. They were wondering if there was anything we could do…

Unfortunately, there is no quick and simple way for your to view or recover a lost password in Excel.

So what do you do when you need to unprotect an Excel spreadsheet but you have lost or don’t have access to the password?

  • ExcelSuperSite – Ultimate Guide
  • ExcelSuperSite – How to unprotect a password protected worksheet [using VBA code]
  • ExcelSuperSite – Alternate method

Microsoft’s official stand on this matter is:

[URL] – Microsoft

ExcelSuperSite Ultimate Guide

How to Unprotect an Excel Spreadsheet [when I have forgotten the password]

Here at ExcelSuperSite, we come across many situations where our clients have locked their spreadsheets to prevent access or accidental changes being made, but then, forget or lose access [staff leave and don’t share passwords etc] to the passwords used.

So often in fact that we created the following Ultimate Guide on how to remove passwords from within Excel. Simply click the following link to access the guide.

How to Unprotect an Excel Spreadsheet [when I have forgotten the password]

This guide presents simple to understand and follow, step-by-step instructions to lead you through all the steps you need to regain full access to Excel spreadsheets.

Recover a password to open a workbook or worksheet

Excel lets you easily lock and password protect your workbooks and your worksheets. But, what happens when you forget or misplace these passwords. Unfortunately, if this has happened to you, there is no simple and easy way to recover a lost password.

Excel doesn’t store the passwords you use to lock your spreadsheet nor can Microsoft can “look them up” for you. This is also true for the other software in the Office suite that lets you protect files.

It is always a good idea to make sure you store your passwords someplace safe so you have access to them when required.

So what do you do if you have lost the password to unprotect an excel workbook or worksheet?

The following method MAY work for you if you created and saved your spreadsheet Excel 2003 or earlier versions of the software. We have had a good amount of success using this method but it has not worked 100% of the time. Having said that, the method does not harm your spreadsheet nor data, so you have nothing to lose from trying it.

If you created and saved your spreadsheet in a version of Excel from 2007 to present, we recommend using an alternate method we discuss in the following article to remove the passwords from your spreadsheet.

Click this link to read an alternate method to removing passwords from Excel worksheets.

This alternate method is the primary way we utilise at ExcelSuperSite to help our clients regain access to their spreadsheets.

How to unprotect a password protected worksheet.

Step 1 Press ALT +  F11 or click View Code on the Developer Tab.

[Nb: By default, the Developer Tab is not displayed as a menu option in Excel. You can add it by following the steps outlined in this article – How to show the Developer Tab in Excel.]

Step 2 Double click on the worksheet that is password protected.

Step 3 Copy and paste the code below into the [Code] window. [Do not change any of the code, just copy and paste it as it is.]

Sub PasswordBreaker[]
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, k As Integer
Dim l As Integer, m As Integer, n As Integer
Dim i1 As Integer, i2 As Integer, i3 As Integer
Dim i4 As Integer, i5 As Integer, i6 As Integer
On Error Resume Next
For i = 65 To 66: For j = 65 To 66: For k = 65 To 66
For l = 65 To 66: For m = 65 To 66: For i1 = 65 To 66
For i2 = 65 To 66: For i3 = 65 To 66: For i4 = 65 To 66
For i5 = 65 To 66: For i6 = 65 To 66: For n = 32 To 126
ActiveSheet.Unprotect Chr[i] & Chr[j] & Chr[k] & _
Chr[l] & Chr[m] & Chr[i1] & Chr[i2] & Chr[i3] & _
Chr[i4] & Chr[i5] & Chr[i6] & Chr[n]
If ActiveSheet.ProtectContents = False Then
MsgBox "One usable password is " & Chr[i] & Chr[j] & _
Chr[k] & Chr[l] & Chr[m] & Chr[i1] & Chr[i2] & _
Chr[i3] & Chr[i4] & Chr[i5] & Chr[i6] & Chr[n]
Exit Sub
End If
Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
Next: Next: Next: Next: Next: Next
End Sub

Step 4 Click on the Run Button or press F5.

And there you have it.

If this method worked and was able to unprotect your worksheet you’ll a small pop-up window saying “One usable password is XXXYYYZZZXXXY”.

If the above method did not work for you then you can try an updated method for removing passwords from an Excel spreadsheet – Click this link to read an alternate method to removing passwords from Excel worksheets.

This alternate method is the primary way we now utilise at ExcelSuperSite to help our clients regain access to their spreadsheets.

ExcelSuperSite Ultimate Guide

How to Unprotect an Excel Spreadsheet [when I have forgotten the password]

Still stuck trying to unlock your spreadsheet. Download our Ultimate Guide to follow the very same, simple to understand and follow, step-by-step methods we use here at ExcelSuperSite to help our clients. Click the following link to access the guide.

How to Unprotect an Excel Spreadsheet [when I have forgotten the password]

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Having Trouble and Need some help?

Have you followed the steps outlined above, but are still having trouble restoring full access to your worksheet?

We can help you!

Since writing this article we have received many, many requests for help from people needing to remove the passwords from their spreadsheets.

To request our help, please click the following link:

Click here to request help from ExcelSuperSite

Continue the Discussion

Have you had to unprotect a password protected spreadsheet? If so, how do you do it? Did you use a similar format to above or another method? Continue the discussion and add your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of this article.

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