5 20 characters consisting of lowercase letters a-z numbers or special characters

If you see "Username not allowed" when you sign up for your Google Account or Gmail, follow these guidelines.

Note: “Abuse” and “Postmaster” are reserved aliases, and you cannot use them as usernames or aliases. For more information, refer to our spam and abuse policy.

Character length

Choose a username 6–30 characters long. Your username can be any combination of letters, numbers, or symbols.

Special characters

  • Usernames can contain letters [a-z], numbers [0-9], and periods [.].
  • Usernames cannot contain an ampersand [&], equals sign [=], underscore [_], apostrophe ['], dash [-], plus sign [+], comma [,], brackets [], or more than one period [.] in a row.
  • Usernames can begin or end with non-alphanumeric characters except periods [.]. Other than this rule, periods [dots] don’t matter in Gmail addresses.

Visit our Help Center for more information on how to change your username.

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Keep your account safe and secure! Do not share your username and password with anyone. Use the following guidelines for creating a secure username and password.


Your username:

  • Must be between six and 50 characters long.
  • Can contain any letters from a to z and any numbers from 0 through 9.
  • Can contain spaces and some special characters, including @ [at sign] . [period] - [hyphen or dash] _ [underscore].
  • Can contain non-English characters [such as é].
  • Is not case-sensitive.


Your password:

  • Must be between eight and 32 characters long.
  • Must include at least one number or special character and one letter.
  • Can contain any letters a to z and any numbers from 0 through 9.
  • Can contain some special characters, including @ [at sign] . [period] - [hyphen or dash] _ [underscore].
  • Cannot contain spaces or non-English characters [such as é].
  • Is case-sensitive.
  • Must be different from your first name, last name, and username.

Password Security

To help make your password more secure:

  • Do not include in it any personal information, such as your first name, last name, username, or birth date. Avoid regular words from a dictionary.
  • Replace letters with numbers. You might use the number 3 instead of an e, a 1 instead of an i, or a zero instead of an o. For example: b0st0ndud3 [bostondude] or 1mag1n3that [imaginethat].
  • Create a phrase instead of just one word [for example, MyGrade100].
  • Use an alternate spelling like those in text messaging [for example, fud for food].
  • The more random a password is, the more secure it becomes. For example, the password kH24762iED is much stronger than 1biggertree.

If you need more help creating a secure username and password, contact Support.

The College of Arts and Sciences technology support services at Western Michigan University offers the following tips to choose a good password.

Since very few systems have support for one-time tokens [dynamic passwords which are only used once], everyone should be aware of how to select strong passwords. If a malicious user can get hold of or 'crack' your password they can access the system with your identity and with your access rights.

  • Passwords should contain three of the four character types:

    1. Uppercase letters: A-Z
    2. Lowercase letters: a-z
    3. Numbers: 0-9
    4. Symbols: ~`!@#$%^&*[]_-+={[}]|\:;"'.?/
  • Do not use all letters or all numbers and do not use a dictionary word in any language or a permutation of such. Avoid using a common word such as "Western" or "Bronco," your name, account name, common names of people or places, technical jargon, repeating sequences and keyboard sequences. Do not base your password on any items of personal information such as your name, social security number, birthday, pet names or family member and do not use your account name as a password. Do not use computer terms, names, commands, sites or company’s software titles and do not use word or number patterns like abcdefg, qazxsw, qwerty or zxcvbn.
  • Use random, pronounceable syllables to make up words that are easy to remember. Use acronyms for unusual phases that you invent [e.g., “WCMPE120D” for = “why change my password every 120 days” or "Tbontbtitq" for "To be or not to be that is the question" then substitute characters [see next item].
  • Character substitution is where you take a lowercase dictionary word and substitute in special characters, numbers and uppercase letters to make them more complex. Examples of common substitutions are:
    • $, S or 5 for s
    • 1, I or ! for i
    • @ or A for a
    • 7 or T for t
    • 3 or E for e
    • 9, G or 6 for g
    • 0 or O for o
    • 8 or B for b
    "Tbontbtitq" for "To be or not to be that is the question" would become "7b0n7B7!7?"
  • Make two separate words into one longer password. You will also need to do character substitution to ensure that the password meets complexity requirements.

    internet explorer - 1nt3rN3TeXp70r3R
    happy days - hapPyDaY$?
    good boy - 60odB0y!

  • Substitute codes or words into other words [insert numbers between the letters of the original word].

    Examples include [original word - pattern/code/word to insert password]:

    • Internet with numbers doubling [e.g., 1,2,4,8,16 - I1n2T3e4R8n16E32t!]
    • Today my favorite color is orange - t0oRdaaNyGe
    • John's favorite football team is the Tigers - Jt0iHgN3r$
  • Create a password from phrases with character substitution. Phrases can be statements, locations, lines from books, movies, etc.


    • The next generation is you. First and last letter from each word = Tentgnisyu - 73n79N!$yU!
    • 45 main street - First 2 letters in word with a number between. First letter of each word in capitals - Fo1Fi2Ma3St4 or Fo1F!2M@3St4
    • I drive a holden commodore now - First letter of each word with the characters of my license plate between [assume license plate is ABC 123] = iAdBaCh2c2n3 or !AdB@Ch2c2n3!

Protecting your password

Do not use the same password for Western Michigan University accounts as for non-Western Michigan University accounts [i.e., personal ISP accounts, brokerage accounts, benefit accounts]. If one account password is compromised, all accounts may be compromised. Do not share your University password[s] with anyone, including administrative assistants, supervisors, secretaries or co-workers. All passwords are to be treated as sensitive, confidential Western Michigan University information.

To better protect your passwords, don't:

  • Reveal your password over the phone to anyone, including your computer support personnel. Support personnel should never initiate a call requesting a password.
  • Talk about your password around others.
  • Reveal a password on questionnaires.
  • Share your password with co-workers while on vacation.
  • Use the remember password feature on applications [e.g., Netscape Messenger, Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora].
  • Write passwords down or store them anywhere near your computer.
  • Store passwords in a file on any computer system [including cell phones] without using strong encryption.

If you suspect your account or password has been compromised, report the event to the appropriate system administrator and the University information security administrator and change your password immediately.

If someone demands your password, refer him or her to your system administrator or the University security administrator in Office of Information Technology.

What is uppercase lowercase and special character?

Uppercase characters [A-Z] Lowercase characters [a-z] Digits [0-9] Special characters [~!

What is a lowercase character in a password?

Passwords should contain three of the four character types: Uppercase letters: A-Z. Lowercase letters: a-z. Numbers: 0-9. Symbols: ~`!

What is a password with letters numbers and special characters?

An alphanumeric password contains numbers, letters, and special characters [like an ampersand or hashtag]. In theory, alphanumeric passwords are harder to crack than those containing just letters. But they can also be harder to both create and remember.

What is special character in password examples?

Password Special Characters.

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