homeschooler là gì - Nghĩa của từ homeschooler

homeschooler có nghĩa là

1. someone who's parents don't want there kids doing drugs or getting pregnant.


public schooler: omg!! lady gaga is so awesum!!!!
homeschooler: Who is that?

homeschooler có nghĩa là

There are two types. Either extremely happy and spazzy and thinks everyone is his friend, or quietly keeps to himself and thinks of everyone as below him.
generally speaking,
someone who lacks social skills, always has one or 5 too many buttons done up, has to ask a parent before using "the search engine", wears crew socks, is not vegetarian, has youtube blocked on his computer, and has never been with more than 1 kid his own age at once.


public schooler: haha did you hear/see that kid. He's probably a homeschooler

homeschooler có nghĩa là

1 - Someone who sits at home all day while upping their levels on World Of Warcraft.

2 - Super smart A+ kids who think they are better than you.

3 - Strange inbreds who slack off all day and have no friends or social life.

I happen to be homeschooled. I have normal friends and a social life.. and i don't wear high waisted jeans.

I think it's examples 1, 2, and 3, that give the rest of us a bad name.


John - Where do you go to school?

Laura - I'm a homeschooler.

John - Really? You're so.. normal.

homeschooler có nghĩa là

From ages 5-25 they can only make conversation with people ages +40 [aside from their own sibilings].

Females from ages 5 to their death, wears a combination of the following: Flowery table cloth like vest, long sleeved button up shirts, 9 inch zipper back-pocketless jeans [Generally a 3 inch gap between the bottom of the jeans & the top of their boots], long baggy jean-skirts with a ruffle around the bottom.

Males wear either a tucked-in all the way buttoned polo shirt or a tucked-in t-shirt with a german shepherd on it. Also wears annoyingly tight jeans or khaki dockers [all of which are tucked into their socks].


You will know within 10-seconds of an encounter with any random person if they are a homeschooler.

homeschooler có nghĩa là

a really smart kid who meets the following criteria:
really smart
anti-social regardless of 15 extracurricular activities
spelling bee champion
homeschool debate team
already in college... community college
anti-evolution - no, sworn to defeat the evolutionists
pro-creation, if you know what i mean. definitely their parents
you get the point


normal person: you're a homeschooler? I never would've guessed!
homeschooler: thanks!

homeschooler có nghĩa là

can be any of the following : A a super nerd.
B a person who in socially awkward
C a person who cant/wont go to school public for personal reasons* D a person who was never allowed to go to regular school and almost always ends up looking and acting like "L" from DEATH NOTE. And after the child is allowed to chose weather to go to public school or not, it is too late because the homeschooling has permanently alters his mind and even if he did go to a public school he knows he would probably snap E a person who thinks of others as inferior creatures and dislikes to associate with them, often the inventors of "the next big thing" warning! : homeschools are socialy unsure how to react to certain things, becareful what you say as they may misinturpret or over react.


setting : public school john : hi ex-homeschooler : dont talk to me. john : your wierd ex-home school-er : DONT INSULT ME! *breaks johns arm* the next day the ex home schooler is sent a to a mental institution to try to undo the effects of home schooling.

homeschooler có nghĩa là

:in general, the mindset of those who are unfamiliar with homeschooling is that homeschoolers are unsocialized, intolerant, self-righteous, abnormal people. Yes, some homeschoolers are. However, the vast majority are normal people who simply choose a more specialized/focused educational program. Through homeschooling, one has the freedom to move at one's own pace; completing work at a quicker pace or spending more time on a concept as needed. Many homeschoolers have tutors for some subjects, take a few courses at public high schools, use video courses, or enroll in college courses while still in high school, in addition to parental instruction. Mostly, they just want the freedom to pursue their interests in depth, while still fulfilling high school requirements.


As a homeschooler, I can place a high emphasis on music, yet not abandon academics, while pursuing my high school education. While maintaining a 4.2 GPA, I take music lessons, sing in choir, play in my city's youth symphony, and am highly involved in Marching Band, Symphonic Band, and Varsity Jazz Band at a public high school. I have also composed music for a drama to be performed at the high school. Yes, I do have many friends who are my age, a large percentage of them being public schooled. I also wear normal clothes and shop at stores like Express, American Eagle, and The Gap. I am a normal person who just likes to accomplish as much as possible.

homeschooler có nghĩa là

a person who is taught at home. incredibly cool, pleasant, sexy and sensitive people

[I bet you can't guess what the writer of this thinks he is]


"dude, we homescoolers are cool"

homeschooler có nghĩa là

A person who is schooled at their home [they're usually taught by their parents].


Johnny "So where do you go to school?"

Susie "I'm a homeschooler."

Johnny "oh, so whats it like being a shut in?"

Susie *rolls eyes* "well so far i haven't been shot, nobody has tried to sell me drugs, never had a drop of booze, and i'm not pretty good.

homeschooler có nghĩa là

One who is schooled at home, esp. with curricula designed to teach each individual subject. Schooling at home allows one to work at the pace necessary for that individual.


Homeschoolers are often associated and confused with the group known as nerds, or with non-sociable, sheltered individuals. While there are many homeschoolers whom would be considered nerds by most, to say that all homeschoolers are nerds or non-sociable is a hasty generalization.

In truth, looking at public schools, there are essentially the same amount of nerds and introverts. The problem of lacking social skills is not an issue of the school you choose to go to; it is simply a problem of a personality that one must work to get rid of.

A lack of social skills is unhealthy for nearly everyone. To blame this issue on the fact that someone has school at home makes the problem worse altogether, i.e., it's like dousing a house that is under no danger of burning down with gallons of water, only to realize that the house right next to it is collapsing in flames... attacking something that isn't the cause of the problem.

I, myself am homeschooled and, quite frankly, have more friends than the average public schooler [a good 70% of my friends are public-schoolers, mind you].
I know about more music [meaning many different bands] than the average public-schooler.
Among my favorite places to shop for clothes are American Eagle, Buckle, Banana Republic, Guess, Gap and Target [don't jump on my case. Target's clothes easily compare to American Eagle's, for sure].

So the stereotype condemning homeschoolers is not altogether true. I would admit that it's not absolutely unreasonable. However, I have to say again that homeschoolers are not the issue. It's nerds/introverts/sheltered people in general.

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