Facebook private friends list viewer

If you just look at anyones profile on Facebook then you would notice that either that profile shows Mutual friends or there is no Friend section.

If your friends are on his profile then you will see them as mutual ones on his Facebook profile but in case nobody is there and the friends list is private then all of the friends will be hidden from his profile. Facebook allows its users to do this in order to protect their friends privacy as well as theirs.

You will see that Facebook only shows the 6 friends on the profile tab. If youre wondering to view the hidden friends on Facebook then there are some ways that you can use to view the full list of friends that comes under mutual friends or others.

To see the hidden friends of someone on Facebook, first, you have to get the profile ID of that person and then copy the ID and put in the link of friends viewers link. After that, open the link and the friends of the person will show up to you.

In this article, I will show you the steps to find someones hidden Facebook friends with more detailed steps.

Find the Hidden friends of Someone on Facebook

If you want to view the hidden friends on Facebook, you have to look at them using the Friends viewer link that is common for all users and you can do it from any device. Lets look at these below steps and this will help you see the hidden friends of Facebook.

Actually, you can view someones hidden friends on Facebook which are not displayed on the profile tab as it is limited to 6 friends only, and to view that you have to follow the below steps that only work for this purpose. But, if someone just made his friends list private then you cannot view those friends, its true.

1. Look for the Profile ID

First, you should look for the profile links of the person you want to check the hidden friends. If you can see the mutual friends and the total friends count and on the profile tab its only showing a few friends, you can just view all of that persons friends. Sometimes you will notice users change their random ID to a custom username and in order to find the actual ID you have to follow the below steps.

To view the Profile ID of that Facebook profile,

  1. First of all, open the Facebook message link: //www.facebook.com/messages/t.
  2. Then you can search the person to chat on Messenger and tap on the name.
  3. Now, it will display the ID in the URL section.

The above method you have to try on PC and you will get it.

Note: In this process, firstly, you must visit the Facebook users profile and look at the URL if that is showing the custom username ID or numeric ID. If that is showing the numeric ID then you can just directly copy that and move to the next method, but if that is showing a custom username then you have to follow the process to find out the profile ID [that is provided by Facebook].

2. Go to the Facebook Hidden Friends URL

The next thing youve to do is by opening the friend viewer link and seeing the hidden friends of someone on Facebook using that link.

To check the friends of someone on Facebook,

Thats all youve to do.

Note: If you can view the mutual friends on that persons friends tab and its more than 6 shows, then you can try this method in order to see the rest of the hidden friends. But, in case the person is not in your friends and no friends tab, then by using this method it will show the message like No friends to show as this person made the privacy private. So, this will not be helpful for private profiles.

Find friends of Someone from Friends Tab

If you want to view someones friends on Facebook and if the person is not on your friends list then you would not be able to see all the friends rather than the only mutual friends.

Now, if the person made the profile list hidden then you can just add the person on Facebook and then if the person accepts your request, you will be added to his friends.

To view the all friends on someone on Facebook,

  1. First of all, open the profile of that person on Facebook.
  2. Now, look at the Friends tab on the profile or go to link: //www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=PLACE_ID&sk=following
  3. Add the ID of the profile of that person whom you want to spy on the link replacing the PLACE_ID.
  4. Once the link opens in a new tab, it will display all of the friends that the person added to his Facebook profile.

Thats all youve to do.

The Bottom Lines:

The article explained the method that enables you to see the hidden friends of someone on Facebook. You just have to copy the FB profile ID and paste it to the profile viewer link and it will show up the friends of that person.

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