Dystopian fiction for year 7

Merriam-Websters Dictionary defines a dystopia as an imagined world or society in which people lead wretched, dehumanized, fearful lives. This description sounds dark and gloomy, but as a former English teacher, Ive always enjoyed reading dystopian novels the most, and my kids have loved them just as much.

Its true that heavier dystopian reads are best reserved for high school or later. For example, Im a big fan of The Handmaids Tale but will leave that one off this list for obvious reasons. However, theres a reason why The Hunger Games and Divergent are box office hits for younger audiences they started as books that middle-schoolers loved.

Even though some people think these novels are pessimistic, the stories encourage students to think about deep, philosophical questions and reflect on our society. And isnt that a fantastic lesson to hand a child through a book?

Lets check out some top middle school dystopian novels that will have your students thinking about the power of change.

6 good dystopian books to read with your students

1. The Giver by Lois Lowry

I taught The Giver every year, and its still one of my favorite books. This young adolescent novel takes place in a futuristic society where there is no pain or lies, and everything looks just peachy that is, until you delve deeper and discover the wacky rules governing this society.

For starters, families consist of a mom, dad, boy, and girl, and lets just say they arent created in the traditional way. And in this society, you dont choose your job at the Ceremony of 12, the elders choose it for you. We could go on all day here, but that should get your students pondering about themes like choice and governance.

The lead character, Jonas, just turned 12, and like other kids his age, he looks forward to [and is also a bit anxious about] what his job will be.

I dont want to give too much away, but I will say that this book touches on themes of the power of memories, government control, and scapegoating. I reserved this book for sixth grade: However, some teachers prefer to teach it in seventh or eighth. The text is straightforward, but the themes are heavy.

The Giver is a young adult classic that challenges conformity and authority, so its no mystery why it remains a middle school favorite.

2. Matched by Ally Condie

Imagine an uncluttered world where there are only 100 songs and books and a government that tells you whom to love. Thats the premise of Matched by Ally Condie.

The protagonist, a 17-year-old girl named Cassia Reyes, prepares for a traditional ceremony that will supposedly match her with her true love [talk about eliminating all of the awkward dates!]

She finds out that shes matched with her best friend great! But then, she sees another face who isnt eligible for the ceremony. Can you smell a love triangle brewing?

Lets say things get complicated, and secrets start to pour out about whats really going on in this mysterious world.

If your boys can get past the cover, theyll find that this book is not just for girls and has some excellent themes like the importance of free will and the unpredictability of love.

3. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

Okay, you had to know this one was going to be on here, right? We covered The Hunger Games in a previous post, and its one of my all-time favorite books.

The Hunger Games takes place in a futuristic version of the United States thats now run by the wealthiest of all its districts: The Capitol. This tyrannical dictatorship puts on the annual Hunger Games, where kids are selected from each district at random to duke it out to the death.

The Capitol organizes the games for its entertainment and to remind the people of the failed rebellions of the past. In other words, its leaders want to publicly demonstrate their power and freakish control.

Sure, theres some debate about this book because its about kids who are thrust into a futuristic arena where they fight each other to the death. Yes, its dark, but within this dystopian novel, there are also messages of hope and overcoming obstacles. Plus, the female hero, Katniss Everdeen, is an inspirational young girl whos a positive role model for students of any age and any gender.

The story sparks lots of great discussions about human nature, rebelling for a cause, and the power of family and friendship.

Lets just say that students wont have a shortage of essential questions to reflect on.

4. Maze Runner by James Dashner

Imagine if you woke up in a creepy maze with no memory but your first name? This is the concept behind Maze Runner the first book in James Dashners post-apocalyptic trilogy.

The lead character, Thomas, arrives at The Glade, a mysterious place that traps kids together. The only way out appears to be through a maze that functions on some pattern that no one has figured out yet.

Life in The Glade runs on a hierarchy of children who have come up with rules for everyone to follow. Food and supplies are sent through an elevator that also brings in more confused kids. So someone wants them to survive or do they?

But when a mysterious girl arrives in the elevator with a note stating that shes the last one, things really heat up.

Students are drawn to this thriller that even has adults biting their nails.

5. Divergent by Veronica Roth

Divergent is a trilogy that takes place within a futuristic society where people are grouped into factions according to their personalities to keep them under control. The protagonist, Tris, must go through a series of tests to join the risk-taking Dauntless group or else be relegated to the dreaded Factionless.

This action-packed adventure explores the importance of family and adultauthority,and is a coming-of-age story all in one. Its also similar to The Hunger Games, so youll be hooked after reading the first book.

After its release in 2011, this novel took middle schools by storm, and most of my students were reading it on their own. Seriously, my students were the ones who got me hooked on the series. Dont you love it when that happens?

6. Uglies by Scott Westerfield

This 2005 hit follows Tally Youngblood, who lives in a futuristic society where, at the age of 16, everyone undertakes full-body plastic surgery to go from an Ugly to a Pretty. But after discovering some disturbing facts about this process, Tally refuses the procedure. So, does that mean shell remain an Ugly forever?

This book remains popular with middle schoolers because adolescents are at that age of physical change and may get hung up on how they and others look. Uglies is a great read that tends to relate to many students and puts a whole new spin on the famous quote that beauty is only skin deep.

The point of dystopian novels

Dystopian novels are often a hit with middle schoolers even though they explore sensitive topics. But isnt that the beauty of reading? Books are meant to motivate us to ask the big questions and to reflect on how we as a society [and individuals] can change.

All in all, these dystopian novels teach powerful lessons and ask philosophical questions that not only get kids thinking but also benefit adults.

Photo credit: Pexels /Pixabay.com

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