Drop down menu trong lectro theme bị lỗi năm 2024

Please check Appearance → Menus section in your WP-Admin and confirm that the menu is configured correctly.

You can also check WordPress menu user guide.

If you still face such issue then revert back to us with URL so we can better check and assist.


April 4, 2014 at 9:46 am


It happened to me the same. From the last update drop-down menu doesn’t work. I’ve checked it just in case but the menu is configured properly.

So I suppose It has something to do with the last update.

My web is //www.freeletics.es and the menu is the one located on the header.

Thanks for your help.

April 4, 2014 at 10:18 am

Well, now is working. I don’t really know why. I changed in the customizer the header from static to fixed and started to work. But if now I revert this it’s still working… something really weird…


April 4, 2014 at 1:48 pm

The menu seems to be set up properly. It shows the arrows that signify that there should be a drop-down, but it doesn’t appear when you hover. I tried what Pablo mentioned about the changing the static setting, but that didn’t work for me.

April 5, 2014 at 5:40 pm

Hi Barry,

May we ask for your site url that having this issue?

April 7, 2014 at 7:24 am

April 8, 2014 at 7:40 am

Hey Guys,

Please ensure that you have updated the plugins included with X especially X Shortcodes.


June 30, 2014 at 10:36 am

This reply has been marked as private.

June 30, 2014 at 3:23 pm

Hi Jaap,

Thank you for dropping by!

Please add the following CSS code to Customizer > Custom > CSS:

html, body {height: 100%;}
.site {min-height: 100%;}

It should solve the issue 🙂

Hope this helps. Please let us know if you face any issue, we will be happy to assist.

Thank you

May 28, 2015 at 6:46 pm


web : //abbastech.com/help

i got some issues after last update .

1. my drop down menu is gone , when hover nothing happens

i changed the menu to new menu , all same , reinstalled theme no luck

2nd issue –

since having this new update – cornerstone

it ask to uninstall the x- extensions so i did , now after that i just tested to deactivate cornerstone but i cant deactivate it nor i can delete it , if hit deleted it says the plugin is active on the frontend main site so cant delete it

i believe there is a conflict some how between the x-extensions and cornerstone

please advise

many thx

May 29, 2015 at 3:02 am

Hello There,

Thanks for updating this thread!

1] To resolve this issue, please try to insert this code in your customizer, Appearance > Customize > Custom > CSS

.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li.menu-item-has-children:hover>.sub-menu {
    display: block;
.x-navbar .desktop .x-nav li.menu-item-has-children>.sub-menu {
    display: none;

2] There is no conflict here. Cornerstone is a required plugin to run X 4.0 and that is why you cannot disable it. Please check our changelog for the latest update release [//theme.co/changelog/]

Khi tạo menu 3 cấp trên theme Flatsome mà danh mục không đồng đều sẽ bị lỗi hiển thị rất xấu, làm mất thẩm mỹ của web, để fix lỗi này các bạn chỉ cầm thêm đoạn code css sau:

.nav-dropdown>li.nav-dropdown-col { display:block; } .nav-dropdown { border:1px solid


padding:0; } .nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown-col>a,.nav-dropdown li a { font-weight:normal !important; text-transform:none !important; font-size:15px; font-weight:500; } .nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown-col>ul li:hover { background:

053484; / đổi màu tại đây /

} .nav-dropdown-default>li:hover>a,.nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown-col>ul li:hover>a { color:white; } .nav-dropdown-default>li:hover { background:

053484; / đổi màu tại đây /

} .nav-dropdown-default>li>a { border-bottom:0 !important; } .nav-dropdown-has-arrow li.has-dropdown:before { border-width:10px; margin-left:-10px; } .nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown-col>ul { margin-top:-40px; box-shadow:2px 2px 5px


display:none; position:absolute; left:100%; z-index:9; background:white; min-width:240px; } .nav-dropdown>li.nav-dropdown-col { width:100%; border-right:0; } .nav-dropdown .nav-dropdown-col>ul li a { padding:10px; text-transform:none; color:black; } .header-nav li.nav-dropdown-col:hover>ul { display: block !important; }

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