Dr sheffields scar gel review năm 2024

We discovered a total of 17 deleted Reviews for this product, with an average rating of 2.9. Even though deleted reviews don't affect the average rating, the fact that action was taken to delete reviews raises some red flags about the integrity of the reviews for the product as whole.

There are a few limitations to keep in mind regarding the Deleted Reviews test:

  1. We don't have a magic ability to collect every single deleted review; we can only identify reviews as deleted if we collect them on one date and then notice they are no longer visible on a subsequent date.
  2. We have no information on reviews that were never published in the first place.
  3. We also don't know why these reviews were removed. It could be action from the platform, personal decision by the review author, part of an entire account closure, even some data error on our part, etc.

Read more about our Deleted Reviews test.


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One-Hit Wonders

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