Đánh giá game legend of war năm 2024

In Civitas, players can customize their plot[s] of land with unique buildings and other items they have created or acquired. This city building game allows players to express their creativity and individuality through their city design and layout. Players must strategize and make important decisions in order to create and maintain a thriving city. In Civitas, players must make strategic decisions about how to best use their resources to build and develop their city. They can choose to focus on generating passive income, improving their city's stats, or collecting rare NFTs. Players can also trade with each other, allowing them to acquire new buildings and resources to help them grow their city. As they progress, players will unlock new technologies and abilities, giving them even more options for customization and growth. Ultimately, the goal of Civitas is to build the most successful and advanced city possible. Experience the real world in a new way with the augmented reality app, Civitas. Join in adventures, gather resources, participate in minigames, and collect unique NFTs. Collaborate with other players in your local subDAO to build advanced structures, gain power, and advance to new eras. You will possess one or more land plots in a sizable city as a citizen. So, you can gather, mine, and harvest the many resources that are on your property. These materials can be transformed by NFT buildings into other products required for upgrading and crafting. A virtual "tower of influence" is located in the middle of each city, and only its residents can access it. So, players can access crucial information from towers about the performance of their cities, available quests, the state of world diplomacy, yield rates, subDAO business, and other matters pertaining to the development and expansion of cities.

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LitCraft: Nysperience - Game Review

Nysperience is a magical open-ended universe that allows Play-to-Own opportunities through battles, item crafting, LitPets creation, playing various game genres, and establishing virtual businesses. Nysperience, utilizing Devvio's cutting-edge blockchain platform, DevvX, emerges as a public play-to-earn game in 2021 after being initially developed in 2018 for internal testing. Within LitCraft, an enchanting universe, mages [known as Lit] coexist with wondrous creatures, residing as integral members of magical society. Additionally, the game offers players the chance to explore the depths of this mythical world, participating in play-to-own opportunities, uncovering secrets, and engaging in a captivating and evolving narrative. In the mythical realm of LitCraft, a diverse and rich universe thrives, inhabited by mages known as the Lit, and an array of wondrous creatures dwelling in hidden worlds. Mage code governs this magical society, a set of seven guiding principles by the mage Millicent Goodwyn centuries ago. Central to LitCraft's culture is a complex magic system revolving around the Heptagen, a symbol representing the essence of creation. However, beyond the enchanting world, LitCraft signifies a paradigm shift. It envisions a future society where all individuals empowers to reach their full potential. Millennia ago, numerous plant and animal species tapped into magic, gradually mastering the energy that surrounds them. Moreover, the intelligent ancestors of the Lit delved into understanding the Heptagen and the seven branches of magic, shaping their destiny.

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Dimension X - Game Review

Dimension X is a strategic role-playing game made by Crypthulu studios on the Flow blockchain. It is set in the exciting world of comic books and has both Free-to-Play and Play-to-Earn features. Dimension X lets players get lost in a world that is always changing and is based on the exciting world of comic books. In this strategic role-playing game, a terrible event has set free beings with superpowers and special skills. These skills are shared by humans, aliens, and monsters. Use NFT heroes to fight villains, level up, and join a faction in tough competitions. As a Play-to-Earn game on the Flow blockchain, players can earn tokens like the $DMX token to make new heroes. Also, players can go on a heroic journey and earn exciting rewards by using a combination of Sidekicks that are free to use and generative heroes. By releasing the power of Element X, you can find out how much Dimension X's universe can do.

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Jewel Knights: Strategic RPG on Binance Smart Chain Integrating NFTs

Jewel Knights. This strategic RPG, developed by the talented folks at LIONA and led by the visionary Mr. Murakoshi [you know, the former CEO of Spike, famous for "Samurai Dou"], is set to take the gaming world by storm in July 2023. And guess what? All the initial tokens and NFTs are already sold out! That's the kind of buzz we're talking about! A Dive into the World of Jewel Knights: In Jewel Knights, players enter the majestic realm of Millennia, where valiant warriors battle to protect King Bathlen's Crown Jewels. I remember when I first heard about this game – the concept alone had me hooked! It's not just about battles; it's about strategy, forming the right team, and, of course, a whole lot of fun with NFTs and blockchain. Gameplay: A Symphony of Strategy and Skill: This game is all about assembling your dream team of up to five characters. Think of it as a mix between chess and your favorite RPG, but with an added blockchain twist. You've got to be strategic in positioning your characters and using your skill cards. The PvP matches are intense – it's like stepping into an arena where only the smartest and quickest thinkers survive. Tokenomics: The Heart of Jewel Knights: Now, let's talk about $ADAMUS, the in-game currency. It's a game-changer, literally! You use it for everything – buying characters, accessories, you name it. The cool part? You earn more of it through skilled gameplay. It's like the game rewards you for being good at it. Plus, it has real-world value. How awesome is that? Community Buzz: Players Are Loving It! The community response has been fantastic. I saw comments like "this is gonna be a blast" and "fav of them all." It reminds me of the early days of other big games, where there's this palpable excitement in the air. Jewel Knights: Not Just Another RPG. What Sets It Apart? Jewel Knights is not your run-of-the-mill RPG. Its blend of strategic gameplay, NFT integration, and blockchain mechanics makes it a standout. Imagine battling for gem riches in a world where your strategies and decisions have real consequences. That's Jewel Knights for you. A Haven for Strategic Minds If you love strategizing and outwitting opponents, this game is your playground. Every battle, every choice, it's a test of your wits. And with the integration of blockchain technology, it's not just a game – it's an investment of sorts. FAQs: All You Need to Know The Gameplay Concept Imagine a world where your mission is to protect precious jewels, and every character you choose plays a crucial role in that mission. That's the essence of Jewel Knights. The Role of Blockchain Blockchain in Jewel Knights is like the backbone. It ensures security, unique asset ownership, and smooth transactions. It's like having a virtual world that's as real and secure as the one we live in. Understanding $ADAMUS $ADAMUS is more than just in-game currency. It's a tool that lets you navigate the world of Jewel Knights, shaping your gameplay and strategy. It's what keeps the economy of the game vibrant and interesting. Gameplay Mechanics The mechanics of this game are a blend of strategy and chance. You've got to be smart with your Skill Cards and adapt to the randomness each turn brings. It's never the same game twice! Community Interaction Jewel Knights isn't just a game; it's a community. The breeding and trading aspects not only add depth to the gameplay but also create a lively marketplace where players can grow their assets. Final Thoughts As a gamer and a blockchain enthusiast, I'm beyond excited for Jewel Knights. It's not just a game; it's an experience. It's a testament to how gaming is evolving, blending traditional elements with the latest technologies. So, whether you're in it for the strategy, the RPG elements, or the blockchain aspect, Jewel Knights is a game you don't want to miss. Game Reviews and More Can't get enough? Check out our Games Overview pages for more reviews on games like Jewel Knights. From strategy to RPGs, we've got it all covered. Happy gaming!

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The Bornless - Game Review

The Bornless is an intense free-to-play FPS game with Battle Royale elements, where players must face rivals, battle demons, and gather Incense tokens. The Bornless is a thrilling PvPvE horror royale FPS that challenges players to face off against both rivals and demons. Unravel the dark secrets of the Bornless Ritual as you delve into the mysterious Church of Orobas. Arm yourself with black magic and powerful weapons, forming duos with partners to strategize and survive in this terror-filled environment. Collect precious Incense tokens to gain Orobas's favor, buy formidable gear, and conquer your foes in intense elimination-based matches. The Bornless offers a free-to-play action shooter experience for 8 players, where the fate of the world hangs in the balance. The lore of The Bornless is very extensive with intricate subplots and storylines. The lore of the game is developed by the players of the game and it is always evolving. The storyboard created for the game lore is called Mythos with various chapters, ever increasing. The story of The Bornless begins with the Church of Orobas and the haunting Bornless Ritual, where a diverse cast of mysterious characters embarks on a perilous journey to halt the ritual's ominous course. Each character wields personal artifacts to aid them in their quest through the dark and treacherous landscape. The hair-raising gameplay and gripping narrative of The Bornless offer a thrilling experience for horror genre enthusiasts. For an even richer experience, explore the Bornless Novella, delving further into the enthralling tale.

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Moniwar - Game Review

Moniwar is a play-to-earn game that uses non-fungible tokens [NFTs] and is built on multiple blockchain technologies. Players can earn rewards by participating in gameplay, and can use and trade the NFTs they collect within the game. Moniwar is a collection of games that offers a variety of modes for players to enjoy, including player versus player [PvP], player versus environment [PvE], pet-hunting, dungeon adventures, World Boss mode, and more. It combines elements of role-playing games [RPGs] with puzzle-solving gameplay. The game is available on multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, and PC. Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to the world of RPGs, Moniwar has something to offer for players of all levels. Moniwar is a game with an immersive storyline and rich lore based on Greek mythology. The game was released in September 2021 and takes place in the Iron Age, around 1200 BC. The story follows the character Lucas, whose father was killed by the people of Upper Elysia. In the game's universe, there are three realms: Upper Elysia, the Soma Realm, and the Lower Naraka Realm. These realms are at war, and when the Lower Naraka Realm is defeated, monsters invade the Soma Realm through a void in space. Upper Elysia comes to the Soma Realm's aid and defeats the ruler of the Naraka Realm, King Abarazax. The game's detailed and intriguing plot helps to immerse players in the world of Moniwar. In Moniwar, the son of King Abarazax, Prince Lucas, seeks revenge for his father's death. To do this, he converts different parts of King Abarazax's corpse into monsters with elemental properties such as metal, fire, wood, earth, and water. These five legendary monsters then travel the world searching for powerful monsters to join their army and help them take on Upper Elysia. With a strong desire for revenge driving them forward, the monsters of Moniwar seek to right the wrongs of the past and restore balance to the world. Gameplay: Moniwar is a play-to-earn game that combines elements of puzzle-solving and role-playing with the ability to earn rewards through gameplay. The main goal of the game is to collect NFT pets representing the different elements [fire, wood, metal, water, earth], which are ranked by rarity from 1-star to 3-star. These NFTs can be used in different game modes based on their abilities. The game is decentralized, meaning that players can own a part of the game, and it features a safe token, an in-game marketplace called the Moni Shop, and daily missions. Overall, Moniwar offers a unique gaming experience that allows players to earn rewards while enjoying fun gameplay. Tokenomics: The economy in Moniwar is based on the $MOWA token, which is available on the PancakeSwap exchange. The developers of the game have promised that they will not engage in "rug pull" behavior, a type of online fraud in which a project suddenly shuts down and takes investors' funds with it. In the future, the $MOWA token may be available on other exchange platforms as well. The token is built on the Binance Smart Chain [BSC] technology, which is known for its stability and reputation in the industry. Overall, the $MOWA token is an important part of the Moniwar economy and is backed by the reliability of the BSC platform.

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Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 - Game Review

Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is a P2E mobile game where players compete in chaotic mini-games for NFT pins to bring back the excitement of the Winter Games. Olympic Games Jam: Beijing 2022 is the official play-to-earn mobile game for the Winter Olympics. Get ready to dive into its exciting world. People were looking forward to this game, which was made by nWayPlay in partnership with the International Olympic Committee. Its fun gameplay and new features are meant to keep players interested. By putting their Olympic NFTs on the Flow blockchain, the Animoca Brands-owned studio has once again pushed the limits of NFTs. They promise a truly unique and rewarding way to play games.

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Geopoly - Game Review - Play Games

Geopoly is a geolocation economic NFT simulator that lets players play the role of a real estate investor from anywhere in the world. If you've ever wanted to make money by investing in properties but don't have hundreds of thousands of dollars, Geopoly is the next best thing. It's simple to buy businesses from all around the world, and there are plenty of creative methods to make money while playing. Geopoly Review: There are a few ways to earn some cash while you play Geopoly, and the main ones are: Buying & Selling Property, NFTs, PvP Battles. In Geopoly game, you can buy, sell, and even rent some of the world's most renowned landmarks. In simpler words, this is a real estate simulator with some Tower Defense fighting for good measure [once a player finishes PVP]. You buy places and use them to earn additional GEO$ tokens, which you may use to gain more power in the Geopoly world simulator. You'll eventually get the confidence to go up against other players and seize their non-tokenized digital assets. How does one earn in Geopoly? In Geopoly, there are two types of NFTs: iconic and special destinations. Players may acquire and use to produce extra GEO$. Pre-minted NFTs such as Special and Iconic Locations exist, but there are also unminted NFTs known as "Ownership Certificates." You have complete control and ownership over the property. It happens when you obtain an Ownership Certificate and mint a fresh NFT; only you can decide how they will be utilized [they also generate a passive income through GEO$ incentives]. This means you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to own the digital versions of businesses and monuments all across the world, including the Eiffel Tower!

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Aimbots - Game Review

Aimbots is a new and innovative project in the realm of blockchain gaming and WEB3 technology. The game offers players a unique gameplay experience that is unlike anything else currently available in the market. "Aimbots" is a fast-paced game that requires players to have quick reflexes and excellent aim in order to defeat their opponents. The game takes place in a large arena and is designed to test players' nerves and skills under pressure. "Aimbots" has a gameplay style that is reminiscent of the classic first-person shooter "Counter Strike 1.6," but with updated 3D graphics and bright colors that make it more visually appealing. In addition to being a standalone game, "Aimbots" is also part of Vidya, a decentralized platform that allows creators, developers, and gamers to build and explore immersive digital worlds. Vidya provides developers with the tools and resources they need to create their own unique and engaging experiences for players. "Aimbots" is the first project to be live on the Vidya platform. Vidya is a decentralized platform that allows creators, developers, and gamers to build and explore immersive digital worlds. Aimbots Gameplay and Weaponry: The AimBots project is a pure shooting game experience where you can take part in tournaments or a battle royale-styled all-out arena battle mode. The players get a huge variety of options to modify their shooters with different skins and equipment. The game provides different weapon classes and options to the players according to their needs and requirements. Sometimes you might need to shoot someone far away, for that the Railgun will be perfect. If you are out of ammo and see yourself in a pickle, then the Plasma Gun is going to save you because it doesn’t need any bullets. If the enemy is roaming with heavy armor only the Heavy Plasma Gun would melt away your foes. The Shotgun is the perfect tool for short-range attacks. If you wish to wreak havoc upon a large number of nemesis then Rocket Launcher is the way to go. Beam Rifle is fit for a minor but consistent attack on your enemies. Finally, the Wristblade is the perfect tool to slay your enemies up and close with a final blow. The game has a variety of maps both big and small according to your own taste.

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Aurum Draconis: Medieval Fantasy RPG on Avalanche Blockchain

"Aurum Draconis," a blockchain-based RPG adventure set in a medieval fantasy world, hosted on the Avalanche blockchain network and powered by DCAR and DCAU tokens. This innovative "play-to-earn" game allows players to have true ownership of their in-game characters and gear due to the blockchain's decentralized nature. In "Aurum Draconis," players immerse themselves in quests, battling increasingly formidable foes to acquire valuable loot and crafting materials. Character progression can be achieved through combat or crafting, offering a high degree of customization. The game boasts an extensive range of powerful equipment and items that can be crafted and combined to suit individual preferences. Notably, all in-game items are non-fungible tokens [NFTs], tradable within a player-driven marketplace. The game's narrative is set in a medieval fantasy world where Dragon Haven holds legendary significance as the prime breeding grounds of dragons. Over the ages, conflicts between humans and dragons in this lush land have shaped its history. The dragons eventually left, but their leader, Aurum Draconis, vowed to return and reclaim their ancestral home. Gameplay in "Aurum Draconis" offers a comprehensive RPG experience, allowing players to customize their characters' attributes, skills, and gear. The game draws inspiration from 90s RPGs, offering a nostalgic and addictive experience. Skill development is pivotal, enabling character customization and strategy. Heroes level up, unlocking abilities and enhancing core stats, and every ten levels yield permanent upgrades through passive traits. The game features different hero classes [Warriors, Mages, Rangers, and Crafters] that cater to diverse playstyles, granting players the freedom to shape their heroes as they see fit. The game's tokenomics involve two native tokens: DCAR and DCAU. DCAR serves various in-game functions, including revenue sharing, staking for passive income, in-game rewards, and crafting. It also enables ownership of virtual land, allowing players to create unique virtual worlds. In contrast, the DCAU token is primarily used to mint Hero NFTs, representing customizable characters, which can be obtained through Hero Summoning Events or purchased on NFT marketplaces. The "Aurum Draconis" community has shown strong support and enthusiasm for the game, with players expressing excitement and investment in the project. The team and community engagement have received positive feedback from enthusiasts eagerly anticipating the game's release.

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Pegaxy NFT Game: Breed, Race, Earn on Polygon Blockchain

Pegaxy is a horse racing game where you race against other people. The game is based on Pegasus, the mythical horse with wings from Greek mythology. The game lets players race horses, breed them, and rent out horses. There are 12 horses in each race, and the top three get a reward token called VIS. The Polygon/MATIC layer 2 blockchain is what Pegaxy is built on, and it uses a dual-token system. The most important token is Vigorus [VIS], which is mostly used for breeding. But it can also be traded on a number of exchanges for other cryptocurrencies or tokens. The second token is the governance token, which is called Pegaxy Stone [PGX]. Its value has changed a lot in recent months. So, not every player might be able to pay for it. Players use PGX to rent other players' Pega NFTs, which they can then use for racing or staking to earn liquidity rewards. Pegaxy Review: Pegaxy horse racing uses a random number generator [random number generator]. This will eventually be upgraded to a more visually pleasing 3D version with more skill and strategy components, once the 2nd phase is implemented. Moreover, horse breeding will become even more essential in terms of improving a horse's characteristics through rarer bloodlines. When deciding on how to start playing Pegaxy, there are numerous options: To race, purchase an NFT horse [outlay cost to buy the NFT], Rent a horse for racing [a lower initial investment to race someone else's horse for a set length of time], Race as a Scholar [accept to race someone else's horse for a percentage profit], Horses are bred to produce progeny, which are then raced, Horses are bred to produce progeny, which are then sold on the open market, Earn racing revenue by owning a stadium.

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Skyweaver - Game Review

Skyweaver is a blockchain-based online trading card game. The cards are non-transferable tokens [NFTs]. It’s time to resurrect your childhood memories with this classic yet completely new card game. Skyweaver is a digital TCG experience, where you get to earn while you play! In turn-based combat, players utilize the cards to battle other players. Because it's a singleton game [meaning the cards are unique], you won't need to collect multiples of them like you would in the Pokémon Trading Card Game. Horizon Blockchain Games, the company behind Skyweaver, has raised over $3.75 million in funding headed by Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian. Horizon has taken its time with this game, with development beginning in 2019. The game was slowly launched, beginning with a private beta in 2021. The Open Beta began in February 2022, and anyone can participate. According to their press release, there have been over 2.2 million matches since the open launch. The game is 100% free to play, and leveling up unlocks 500+ base cards. There were no card pre-sales, so consumers could just go ahead and buy everything. There are three grade types and numerous features, the cards are distinctive, making gameplay dynamic and exciting. Moreover, it's not an auto battler!

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Hippo Dash: Web3 Meta-Entertainment Casual Racing Game - Review

"Hippo Dash" is a groundbreaking meta-entertainment casual racing game that caters to both Web3 enthusiasts and the wider gaming community. It is part of the Gameta project, a multi-dimensional NFT gaming network that aims to bridge the gap between Web2 and Web3 users. Gameta offers a portfolio of 14 games, including hyper-casual amusements and NFT-infused social diversions, and has garnered over 7 million on-chain users on BNB Chain. During its public beta phase, Hippo Dash saw remarkable engagement, attracting over 150,000 users who collectively generated more than 3 million game interactions. Players invested over 1 million minutes exploring the game during this period, with popularity spanning regions such as Europe, the Americas, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia. Notably, Hippo Dash ranked among the top three games on the Google Play Store in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Cambodia. Gameta, with an online community of over 8 million users, is a prominent player in the BNB Chain gaming sector. Their exclusive NFT series, the Hippo Club, boasts 30,000 total addresses, solidifying Gameta's position as a robust endeavor in the BNB Chain's gaming landscape. The platform is committed to enhancing the potential of the Web3 NFT ecosystem and democratizing access to projects like the Bored Ape Yacht Club. Through games like Hippo Dash, Gameta aims to bring the Web3 ethos to a broader audience, allowing more enthusiasts to participate in the NFT space.

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Striker Manager 3 - Game Review

Enjoy the Nextgen of football manager video games, where the passion for football meets the innovation of web3 technology. Striker Manager 3 is a unique football manager game that offers players a whole new level of gaming experience. The game is designed as a Play to Earn multiplayer game that provides users with the chance to earn rewards while enjoying the fun of traditional online football games. In Striker Manager 3, players own their in-game NFTs assets, which they can trade and evolve for greater rewards. However, as the owner of your assets, you get to take possession of your plot of land in the game's world, where you can build and customize your club, team, and facilities to your liking.

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Dragon Master - Game Review

DragonMaster is an innovative blockchain-based Metaverse game made by Magic Hat. It combines RTS, MOBA, Collection, and Play-to-Earn elements. DragonMaster is the first blockchain-based Metaverse game to combine RTS, MOBA, Collection, and Play-to-Earn gameplay. The Dragon Metaverse is more than just a game now. It has grown to include virtual characters, homes, and even jobs. In the near future, DMT will be good for artists and developers. Also, the game's global tournaments are fun, and it is run according to DAO principles, which means that it is completely decentralized and that community members can choose the development and operations teams.

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Captain Tsubasa Rivals - Game Review

"Captain Tsubasa -RIVALS-" is a blockchain game inspired by the renowned "Captain Tsubasa," a soccer manga that has left an indelible mark on football enthusiasts across the globe. Captain Tsubasa, the brainchild of acclaimed manga artist Yoichi Takahashi, stands as a pioneering football manga with an immense global impact. Revered as a seminal work, it has profoundly influenced professional football players, enthusiasts, and fans worldwide. The manga's reach spans more than 70 million copies sold in Japan and translations into over 20 languages. This legacy extends through sequels like "Captain Tsubasa Rising Sun" and "Captain Tsubasa Magazine." Centered on Tsubasa Ozora, the narrative follows his evolution as a football player amid heated competitions against a multitude of adversaries. Furthermore, etching his journey as a cornerstone of the series. "Captain Tsubasa - RIVALS-", a dynamic blockchain gaming experience is meticulously crafted through three key artistic elements: uniquely crafted illustrations, specialized attack animations, and dynamic generative background music [BGM]. Elevating the gameplay, these elements synergize with the players' NFTs, where animations and BGM synchronize with the individualized NFTs. This endeavor seeks to strike a balance between novel experiences for seasoned mobile gamers and a nostalgic familiarity. By ingeniously designing distinctive NFTs for each character, the game innovates while preserving the essence of the original experience. Illustrations brimming with the essence of "Captain Tsubasa," 3D animations for signature moves, and an immersive musical backdrop become integral to the gameplay. Additionally, the music, masterfully composed by Shinichi Osawa [MONDO GROSSO], a renowned musician/producer, enhances the game's vibrancy, intertwining the virtual and real-world football journey.

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