Copy from Remote Desktop to local Mac

Microsoft Remote Desktop for Mac - Clipboard does not allow copying files when using "Workspaces" connection


Two users and myself found out that recently [perhaps in the last month or two], copying and pasting files from our Remote Desktop session [connected to a Windows server] to the local Mac desktop no longer works. Only copying text works.
Please enlighten me as to whether this is due to an update or there is some configuration I am missing

[I have tried looking everywhere and there seems to be no such configuration -- the solution in a previous forum post was for "PCs" not "Workspaces". In the "Workspaces" tab we are not able to access the same settings as under the "PCs" tab, so we cannot adjust whether clipboard is shared.]

Mac os 10.14.6





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ZheliZheng-1681 answered Feb 3, '21 | ZheliZheng-1681 edited Feb 3, '21

Thanks for your input. I found that the clicking the refresh button on the upper right hand corner of the Work Resources icon seems to work. Not sure if that is what fixed it but now I can copy files from Mac to RDS and vice versa.

click-refresh-button-on-remote-desktop.png [18.0 KiB]


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KarlieWeng-MSFT answered Feb 1, '21 | KarlieWeng-MSFT edited Feb 2, '21

Hello @ZheliZheng-1681

You could configure Redirection to map the folder of Mac in Windows so that you can copy file from Windows to Mac
Transfer files between host/client computer with Remote Desktop v8 on Mac


try the Remote Desktop for Mac [Beta]
"In addition to supporting copy/paste of text and images, the preview app now supports copy/paste of files so that you can transfer files into and out of the remote session using both Command X/C/V and CTRL X/C/V." Quoted from here.

Best Regards

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File Sharing through RDP from MacOS

Step 1: Launch the Microsoft Remote Desktop application and fill out the computer and username fields, following our guide here if you would like instructions:


Step 2: Click on the “folders” tab, and then click the “Redirect folders” check box.

Step 3: Click the plus [“+”] button in the lower left corner to select a new folder to make available for folder sharing.

Once a folder has been added [in this case, desktop], it will appear in the list of shared folders, as shown below. The minus [“-“] button in the lower left hand corner can be used to remove a folder you no longer want to be available for sharing.

Step 4: From within the remote session, navigate to “This PC” within the File Explorer. The drives that you have selected will appear under the “Redirected drives and folders” section.

Step 5:Drag files to and from the drive like you would any other folder.

How to copy files between PC [Windows/Mac OS] and Forex VPS?

In Windows:

Windows comes with a built-in tool called Remote Desktop Access. And you can use it to connect to your Forex VPS server. By using the Remote Desktop Access tool, you will get access to your files in only a few clicks.

Plus, you have to set it up only once, and there is no server configuration required, or you need to download any application.

So let me just go ahead and mention all the steps that you have to follow:

Step 1: First of all, go to Windows 10 search bar and type down Remote Desktop Connections and launch the application.

Step 2: Once the RDP client opens up, click on the Show Options.

Step 3: Now go to the Local Resources tab.

Step 4: Now click on the More button located under the Local devices and resources category.

Step 5: Next, you will need to choose the Drives you want to share and click on OK.

Step 6: Finally, come back to the general tab and enter your Forex VPS server address and Username and click on connect. Then you will need to enter your password, and you will get connected to your server.

Once you have logged into your Forex VPS, you should be able to see your shared drives in This PC folder. And from there, open the drive and copy and paste files between PC to your Forex VPS server.

In Mac OS:

Unlike Windows, Mac doesn’t come with a built-in RDP tool. But worry not, you can instead use the Microsoft Remote Desktop tool for the job.

It is absolutely free software that you can download on your Mac. And it allows you to connect to a remote PC or virtual apps and desktops. As well as it has various other usages.

To get started with Microsoft Remote Desktop, do follow the below steps:

Step 1: At first, from your Mac go to the App Store.

Step 2: Search for Microsoft Remote Desktop and download and install the software.

Step 3: Once installed, launch Microsoft Remote Desktop and click on the + icon.

Step 4: After that, enter your server details like the address, username, and password.

Step 6: While editing the desktop, click over the redirection button [Folder icon], you can add a folder to your VPS.

Step 7: Finally, you can boot your VPS server. You will be able to locate the shared directory in My Computers of your trading server.

Once connected, you should find your shared folder in This PC folder. And then you can use the copy-paste function to copy files between PC and Forex VPS without any trouble.

Final Words:

So that was a quick answer to your How to copy files between PC [Windows/Mac OS] and Forex VPS. Now it is your call to go ahead and try out the steps by yourself and see how it is working for you. Also, for any other questions, you can feel free to drop a comment below and I will help you out.

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