Consider a relation r A b c d e with the following functional dependencies

This set of Database Multiple Choice Questions & Answers [MCQs] focuses on “Functional-Dependency Theory”.

1. We can use the following three rules to find logically implied functional dependencies. This collection of rules is called
a] Axioms
b] Armstrong’s axioms
c] Armstrong
d] Closure
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Answer: b
Explanation: By applying these rules repeatedly, we can find all of F+, given F.

2. Which of the following is not Armstrong’s Axiom?
a] Reflexivity rule
b] Transitivity rule
c] Pseudotransitivity rule
d] Augmentation rule
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is possible to use Armstrong’s axioms to prove that Pseudotransitivity rule is sound.

3. The relation employee[ID,name,street,Credit,street,city,salary] is decomposed into

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employee1 [ID, name]
employee2 [name, street, city, salary]

This type of decomposition is called
a] Lossless decomposition
b] Lossless-join decomposition
c] All of the mentioned
d] None of the mentioned
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Answer: d
Explanation: Lossy-join decomposition is the decomposition used here .

Check this: RDBMS MCQ | Programming Books

4. Inst_dept [ID, name, salary, dept name, building, budget] is decomposed into

instructor [ID, name, dept name, salary]
department [dept name, building, budget]

This comes under
a] Lossy-join decomposition
b] Lossy decomposition
c] Lossless-join decomposition
d] Both Lossy and Lossy-join decomposition
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Answer: d
Explanation: Lossy-join decomposition is the decomposition used here .


5. There are two functional dependencies with the same set of attributes on the left side of the arrow:
This can be combined as
a] A->BC
b] A->B
c] B->C
d] None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: This can be computed as the canonical cover.


6. Consider a relation R[A,B,C,D,E] with the following functional dependencies:

ABC -> DE and
D -> AB

The number of superkeys of R is:
a] 2
b] 7
c] 10
d] 12
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Answer: c
Explanation: A superkey is a combination of columns that uniquely identifies any row within a relational database management system [RDBMS] table.

7. Suppose we wish to find the ID’s of the employees that are managed by people who are managed by the employee with ID 123. Here are two possible queries:

  FROM Emps ee, Emps ff
  WHERE ee.mgrID = ff.empID AND ff.mgrID = 123;
  FROM Emps 
  [SELECT empID FROM Emps WHERE mgrID = 123];

Which, if any, of the two queries above will correctly [in SQL2] get the desired set of employee ID’s?
a] Both I and II
b] I only
c] II only
d] Neither I nor I
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Answer: a
Explanation: The query can be satisfied by any of the two options.

8. Suppose relation R[A,B] currently has tuples {[1,2], [1,3], [3,4]} and relation S[B,C] currently has {[2,5], [4,6], [7,8]}. Then the number of tuples in the result of the SQL query:


a] 2
b] 4
c] 6
d] None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The SQL NATURAL JOIN is a type of EQUI JOIN and is structured in such a way that, columns with same name of associate tables will appear once only.

9. Suppose now that R[A,B] and S[A,B] are two relations with r and s tuples, respectively [again, not necessarily distinct]. If m is the number of [not necessarily distinct] tuples in the result of the SQL query:

	R intersect S;

Then which of the following is the most restrictive, correct condition on the value of m?
a] m = min[r,s]
b] 0 E

Which of the following is not a key?
a] A
b] E
c] B, C
d] D
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Answer: c
Explanation: Here the keys are not formed by B and C.

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To practice all areas of Database Management System, here is complete set on 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Database Management System.

Which of the following is are takes a relation which is based on functional dependencies that take into account all candidate keys in a relation?

Boyce–Codd Normal Form [BCNF] is based on functional dependencies that take into account all candidate keys in a relation; however, BCNF also has additional constraints compared with the general definition of 3NF. A relation is in BCNF if, X is superkey for every functional dependency [FD] X? Y in given relation.

Which of the following functional dependencies hold for relations?

Explanation: For given relation R1[A, B, C] and R2[B, D, E], functional dependencies are given only for relation R1, not for R2 And the candidate key for R1 is B, so all values must be unique in R1. To get the maximum number of tuples in output, there can be two possibilities.

Which of the following sets of attributes does not functionally determine e?

Which of the following sets of attributes does not functionally determine E? Answer: ACD Yes; ACD+ = ACD, so E is not functionally determined.

Which of the following is a type of functional dependency?

There are mainly four types of Functional Dependency in DBMS: Trivial functional dependency. Non-Trivial functional dependency. Multivalued functional dependency.

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