Chữa lỗi sai in the 1920 tulsa had a higher năm 2024

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.


If you were going to choose a job that involves travel, what would be your first choice? There are many jobs available today that give people opportunities to travel. Although may traveling careers sound fantastic, they also have disadvantages.

Being an au pair is an excellent way to not only go to different countries, but to live in different places around the world and really get a feel for the culture. Au pairs lives with the families they are placed with and take of children. Many parents include au pairs in family events and vacations, so they experience many aspects of the new culture while on the job. However, many of the activities are centered around the children, so they may not get to experience many things that interest adults.

For people who want a bit more freedom working abroad, being an English teacher maybe a good choice. There are English teaching jobs in almost countries in the world. People teaching English in other countries often have a chance to travel on the weekends around the country. One drawback is that many teachers often wind up hanging out with other English teachers, and they don’t have time to learn the country’s language. The nickname “roadie” implies that this job involves life on the road. Roadies are people who work and travel with bands and provide technical support. Roadies can be lighting and stage crew who set up the stage and break it down before and after events. They can also be technicians helping band members with their instruments. International tours take a band’s crew to cities around the world, often requiring air travel. However, the crew doesn’t get much time off, so they may travel to several countries without seeing much besides concert venues and hotels.

Similarly, flight attendants often travel to cities around the world, but they don’t see much besides the inside of airplanes and hotels. However, when they do have time off, they can often fly at no cost, and family member can sometimes fly free as well. Its is widely thought that a flight attendant job is glamorous, but flight attendants must deal with travel hassles, as well as security issues. All jobs gave advantages and disadvantages whether or not you travel for work, so if you have the travel bug, keep these jobs in mind for the future.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Lớp 12 - Năm cuối ở cấp tiểu học, năm học quan trọng nhất trong đời học sinh trải qua bao năm học tập, bao nhiêu kì vọng của người thân xung quanh ta. Những nỗi lo về thi đại học và định hướng tương lai thật là nặng. Hãy tin vào bản thân là mình sẽ làm được rồi tương lai mới chờ đợi các em!

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.The world is becoming more [A] industrialized and the number of animal [B] species that have becoming [C] extinct [D] have increased. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

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Câu 1:

Choose the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions

  1. entrepreneur
  1. extracurricular
  1. autobiography
  1. disciplinary

Câu 2:

The paragraph preceding this passage most probably discusses

  1. tides
  1. storm surges
  1. tidal waves
  1. underwater earthquakes

Câu 3:

In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and human resources that go into the [31] _________of goods and services.

  1. doing
  1. plant
  1. using
  1. production

Câu 4:

Economic resources can be broken down into [32] _________ general categories: property resource – land and capital, and human resources – labor and entrepreneurial skills.

  1. some
  1. many
  1. two
  1. six

Câu 5:

“Jane is really conscientious, isn’t she?” “Absolutely. ___________, she is very efficient”

  1. What is more
  1. So
  1. All the same
  1. Still

Câu 6:

Because of [A] its ability to survive [B] close to human habitations, the Virginia deer [C] has actually increased [D] their range and numbers.

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