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Business needs comprehensive, credible, comparable impact standards to support economic systems change.

Used by more than 150,000 businesses, the B Impact Assessment is a digital tool that can help measure, manage, and improve positive impact performance for environment, communities, customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders; receiving a minimum verified score of 80 points on the assessment is also the first step towards B Corp Certification.

Here's how it works:

Assess your impact

Complete the B Impact Assessment by answering a series of questions about your company's practices and outputs across five categories: governance, workers, community, the environment, and customers.

Sample questions:

Governance: What portion of your management is evaluated in writing on their performance with regard to corporate, social, and environmental targets?

Workers: What % of the company is owned by full-time workers [excluding founders/executives]?

Community: What % of management is from underrepresented populations? [This includes women, minority/previously excluded populations, people with disabilities, and/or people living in low-income communities.]

Environment: Does your company monitor and record its universal waste production?

Customers: How do you verify that your product improves the impact of your client organizations?

Compare your impact

Evaluate your performance compared to the thousands of other businesses that have taken the B Impact Assessment.

You'll see where your business is outperforming others, and where there's room for improvement.

Improve your impact

Use the B Impact Assessment platform to identify, track, and learn about improvement opportunities and best practices over time.

We provide free tools to help you along the way, including customized improvement reports, best practice guides, and case studies.

Click here to set up an account or log in.

For more information on completing the B Impact Assessment, go to our Knowledge Base

You can also visit the B Corp Directory to download B Impact Assessment reports from Certified B Corporations.

B Impact Assessment

Business needs comprehensive, credible, comparable impact standards to support economic systems change.

Used by more than 150,000 businesses, the B Impact Assessment is a digital tool that can help measure, manage, and improve positive impact performance for environment, communities, customers, suppliers, employees, and shareholders; receiving a minimum verified score of 80 points on the assessment is also the first step towards B Corp Certification.

Here's how it works:

Assess your impact

Complete the B Impact Assessment by answering a series of questions about your company's practices and outputs across five categories: governance, workers, community, the environment, and customers.

Sample questions:

Governance: What portion of your management is evaluated in writing on their performance with regard to corporate, social, and environmental targets?

Workers: What % of the company is owned by full-time workers [excluding founders/executives]?

Community: What % of management is from underrepresented populations? [This includes women, minority/previously excluded populations, people with disabilities, and/or people living in low-income communities.]

Environment: Does your company monitor and record its universal waste production?

Customers: How do you verify that your product improves the impact of your client organizations?

Compare your impact

Evaluate your performance compared to the thousands of other businesses that have taken the B Impact Assessment.

You'll see where your business is outperforming others, and where there's room for improvement.

Improve your impact

Use the B Impact Assessment platform to identify, track, and learn about improvement opportunities and best practices over time.

We provide free tools to help you along the way, including customized improvement reports, best practice guides, and case studies.

Click here to set up an account or log in.

For more information on completing the B Impact Assessment, go to our Knowledge Base

You can also visit the B Corp Directory to download B Impact Assessment reports from Certified B Corporations.

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Transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet.

Sign up to our Insights newsletter, a monthly digest of the latest news on economic systems change from B Lab Global.

What is the B impact score?

How Does the B Impact Assessment Work? A company's impact score is a sum of all of the individual questions in the assessment. The weight of each question and section depends on the company's specific track. The track is determined by the industry, size, and geography of the business.

What is Cardi B's biggest hit?

Thanks to the indelible hit that is "Bodak Yellow," Cardi B earned herself a number one spot on the Billboard charts.

What is the meaning of B certified?

B Corp Certification is a designation that a business is meeting high standards of verified performance, accountability, and transparency on factors from employee benefits and charitable giving to supply chain practices and input materials.

What does B company stand for?

The B in B Corp stands for 'Benefit for all', in that Certified B Corporations [or B Corps] are businesses that have been certified by B Lab [that's us!] to benefit all stakeholders.

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