british accent là gì - Nghĩa của từ british accent

british accent có nghĩa là

One Of The sexiest accents in the freakin world.


Girl:Damn did you here him talk
Girl 2:yeah he's British
Girl:DAMN british Accents are sexy!!!

british accent có nghĩa là

An accent that some Americas seem to love. I say that because when i went to the states Americas seemed to love my accent.


Me: hi
Cool American: Your british accent is soooo cool speak more
Me: Okay...what should i say
cool American: Anything!!!

british accent có nghĩa là

Better labeled as an "English accent", it is the hottest thing ever.
iEnglish/i accent is just TOO gorgeous: maximises chances of a girl swooning at your first words.
Upper class accent "I'm at Oxford" accent is the best one.
With an English accent like that, even an idiot can sound like the smartest most gorgeous man alive.


"Oh wow! Your boyfriend's a Brit?"
"He's got an British accent!"
"Shit! I love him already!"

british accent có nghĩa là

Simple: THERE ISN"T ONE!!!

Saying "British Accent" is just as stupid as saying "North American Accent", in as much as "Britain" is more a reference to the land mass that contains within it the countries England, Scotland and Wales, so also North America contains The U.S.A., Canada, Mexico etc.
We here in The U.K. like to be called by our country of habitat, namely, England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland. [Please never get the Northern Irish Mixed up with Irish or any other english speaking accent.. They hate that just as much as we hate to be called British.] All of this hangs nicely around our accent. According to the country we live in, we like to be known as having English, Scottish, or Welsh accents. Keep calling us British, or saying that we have a British accent, and we'll start calling you Americans "Canadian" or even "north American". And we might even say that you sound like the Canadians, we know you'd hate that, but the thing is, we can actually tell the difference.
[PS:Northern Ireland is not officially classed as being in Britain, though the British government does rule it, just as it used to rule many other countries around the world. Thats why it is often referred to as Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Together this is referred to the United Kingdom, something that is totally different from Britain.]


Generic American "hero" in Generic crap film: we know he's the bad guy, he has a British accent..
All who watch the film [outside the U.S.] think: Stupid American tosser, its just a thick Yank trying very hard to do a cockney accent, and failing miserably. Plonkers.

british accent có nghĩa là

There is no such thing as a "British accent" - Britain is made up of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. There are literally hundreds of different accents spoken across the whole of the British Isles. The accent that people are most commonly referring to when they say "British accent" is an accent spoken in some parts of south east England.

The south east accent is the one most frequently heard outside of Britain in the media and in films [curse you Hugh Grant!] so people don’t really hear many different accents from across the British isles which has led to the stereotyping of the "British accent".


Hugh Grant, Austin Powers, that guy in Oceans 11 [Worse "british accent" impression EVER].

british accent có nghĩa là

Technically, any one of the many accents and dialects spoken in the British Isles - Technically. But only use it if you know and respect this fact. Never use "Britain" as a substitute for England in case you offend the Celts who will probably beat the crap out of you for your troubles [Being Welsh myself, I can pretty well guarantee it]

It is not specifically "English Accent". If you want to say someone has an English Accent. Then it is common sensical to say "English Accent" as opposed to the potentially irritating generalization.

Make no mistake. I, for one, and many others like me will not let you use the term "Britsh Accent" [OR British anything else where you actually should have said English]
without some form of protest. Be it verbal or physical.


There are no examples because the "British Accent" is a non-entity.

british accent có nghĩa là

not many people in england have that horrible upperclass accent thats just stupid hollywood producers for you making movies who dont know shiyte. who want shooting may I add, , theres loads of accents in england, some sound irish like the geordies and the scousers, why Iye man, gooin up toon ferra pint, some have the same accent as austrailiens like the south staffordshire and the black countray "g'day a yo orighte aer kid" "doe they, yo aye am ya" arrr, dyo wanna canabea aer kid, thats where strife comes from, some people have that cockney accent where they never pronouce their R's alwighyte mayte, ow it gahn geeza, some accents over pronounce their RRs like the west country and cornwall, where the farmers say OGHHH ARRR in a deep voice, or like the pirates of penzance did iye ye be warrrned. this is why the former colonies have so much accented diversity between each other because they all descend from difrent areas of britain.


theres no british accent as such and it all depends on your class and back gound and where ya come in england which determines the way yo spayke, some southern english people look down on black country accents the most because of how broad it is! doe they

british accent có nghĩa là

A term often used by people in North America to describe the middle class or Recieved Pronounciation accent featured on American television and cinema. Its used by the sorts of people who represent Britain abroad in the UK like Tony Blair or Hugh Grant.

This accent is probably spoken by a small minority of Britons, and whenever the topic of British accents comes up theres always somebody from outside the south of England who praises the accents of the Midlands or the North, however these accents have no credibility outside their own regions and everybody knows it.

Context in American cullture:
The 'bad guy' in American entertainment very often has a british accent like the X Men villain played by Ian McKellan or many of the characters portrayed by Anthony Hopkins. In recent years however, this accent has been seen by American girls as 'cute' when sported by persons like Jude Law, Orlando Bloom or Kiera Knightly. Since this culture emerged it has been exploited endlessly by lonely British private school boys who wish to use their accents to get laid, most notably seen in Love Actually where the character Colin ends up in bed with Elisha Cuthbert and other American girls.


1. Oh my god Orlando Bloom has a cute British Accent he is soooo cool.

2. He has a british accent he says "warta" instead of "wadder"

british accent có nghĩa là

An accent that has never existed, American media has lead to most of the American general public confusing Britain to be the same thing as England rather than containing England, as such, the media has influenced the shared opinion that everyone talks in some sort of posh 1800s London accent, such media has also influenced the idea that tea and crumpets is popular among the "British" when in actual fact, very few people like either these days. Most of the time people forget that Britain contains England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, all of which have their own regional accents as well.


American: Are you British? English person: I am English if that is what you mean American: I love your British accent! English person: Are you retarded?

british accent có nghĩa là

the most annoying accents in the world are british accents. they sound so posh, like a snooty stuck-up rich person.
or other times they sound really really weird, like an alien that had it's nose chopped off and it's tounge
sliced in half. it's really annoying!


that voice, it sounds so posh, do you have a british accent?

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