Benchmark laptop online

How it works?

By challenging a browser with different riddles, every browser behaves different. On this account, your score will only be compared with other results made with the same type of browser and on the same OS. This provides a meaningful evaluation of the stressed components of your PC.


In order to challenge your processor, the first 10000 primes existing have to be calculated. By just counting them and not saving them in the flash memory this test will boost only the CPU consumption of the Browser.


To test your Graphic Processor Unit, 500000 2D particles with applied physics have to be rendered using WebGL. The time the browser needs to process the first 50 frames will be taken as a comparable value. This test will stimulate the GPU to deliver the maximum performance.


Generating a variable by appending bytes to its value until it reaches a size of 50 MB is very memory engulfing, because it has to buffer everything in the temporary storage. The thing that matters most in this test is the speed of the RAM.


Writing 30 times 50 MB junk files into the IndexedDB of your browser will boost the transfer rate of your hard drive / SSD to its maximum for a short period. This will show how efficient the datatransfer of your storage is.

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