What are the limitations of case studies?

Reading different blogs it has come to my attention that case studies are getting quite a bad reputation. They are being deemed non-scientific and of questionable usefulness. In this blog I will look at both sides of the argument for case studies and see whether as a design it is still useful for the field of psychology.


  • Case studies allow a lot of detail to be collected that would not normally be easily obtained by other research designs. The data collected is normally a lot richer and of greater depth than can be found through other experimental designs.
  • Case studies tend to be conducted on rare cases where large samples of similar participants are not available. An example of this is the study of Phineas Gage by Harlow, J.M. This example also connects with the point above with the depth of data obtained. Cases of brain damage are quite minimal and it is extremely rare to find people with the exact same parts of the brain affected. To be able to gain knowledge of brain functions the damage between people have to be exact to ensure you are testing the right thing, this can generally only be done through case studies.
  • Within the case study, scientific experiments can be conducted.
  • Case studies can help experimenters adapt ideas and produce novel hypotheses which can be used for later testing.
  • Knowledge! Again to Phineas Gage, his contributions to neuropsychology and the workings of the brain are invaluable.




  • One of the main criticisms is that the data collected cannot necessarily be generalised to the wider population. This leads to data being collected over longitudinal case studies not always being relevant or particularly useful.
  • Some case studies are not scientific. Freud used case studies for many of his theories or studies. Such examples are that of Anna O and Little Hans. Both of these are not scientific nor are they able to be generalised. This can be attributed to them being case studies, but also Freudian theory in general.
  • Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to only be one experimenter collecting the data. This can lead to bias in data collection, which can influence results more than in different designs.
  • It is also very difficult to draw a definite cause/effect from case studies.


Case studies also tend to collect mainly qualitative data. I have put this as neither an advantage or disadvantage of case studies, as this depends on your stance on qualitative data. If you look back a few blogs I have summarised my view of qualitative data. Mainly positive!

Overall, I think that case studies are an important and useful method of data collection, especially in cases of rare phenomena. It would be extremely unethical to go taking parts of peoples brains out just to make a larger sample size to use a different experimental design method. However, as data is collected on new cases I think it is important to always refer back to previous data in order to build on existing knowledge and ensure findings are as applicable to real life as possible.

A case study lets you conduct an in-depth study in a particular subject as an investigation into an individual circumstance. This study may be conducted by a single person, group of person, or a business. There are benefits of the case study for both the readers and the researcher. However, pitfalls can be problematic for the researcher to establish facts from opinions and statistics. This section details out the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Case Study.

What are the Advantages of Case Study Method?

The process of conducting a case study involves collecting in-depth data about the individual entity or using several collection methods and tools. There can be offline, online or even both types of resources involved during the case study. Access to refined knowledge is one of the greatest advantages of the case study.

1. Case Study helps Convert client observations into useable data

Case studies offer various verifiable data from direct or indirect observations of the individual entity that can be further embedded into crisp information that concludes with derivatives. The observed information is simply based on the input-output method using which the results about other identical entities can be easily drawn.

2. It helps turn opinion into evidence-based facts

All the data collected and observed during the study is real-time. Most of it is also based on researchers’ opinions as the same can depend on data-driven results such as positive or negative impacts. For example, to aware others about the pros and cons of solar energy, the researchers have to find the facts in support and against it through real-life examples.

3. It is relevant to everyone

Case studies were first conducted in Medical sciences where chosen subjects were to go under experiment-based observation. These studies were relevant to every participant and the observers, including the parties for whom these results were produced. Thus, the case study method essentially forces people to decide the question being studied and then defend their position through facts.

4. Case Studies employ Variety of research methods

Whether hand-written notes, online reviews, historical data, or real-time experimental tasks, every material has great significance in conducting case studies. Most case study methods involve more than just one source of information, such as interviews and direct observation. Case histories from a records database and Questionnaires can be used with this method. Writing notes in diaries and journals about the entity is a good example of a regular case study based on day-to-day observations.

5. It can be done from anywhere

Case studies can also be a very cost-efficient way to research a remote area. Researchers don’t have to move from places to places or facility to use the available case study method. Research can be done and concluded through phone, email, or messenger services. Discussions can take place entirely over the conferencing app such as zoom or Skype. That means the case study method is good for exploratory and formative research, even if it must be managed remotely.

What are the Disadvantages of the Case Study?

Started with the medical Sciences Case Study Method has now expanded to every sector considering the consumer market's dynamic structure. These case studies are important to examine key results, the positive or negative outcomes of particular services and product that's either launched already or is ready to be out. A case study method, however, is not always as productive or efficient. There can be disadvantages of case study, which needs to be considered even before researchers dive into it.

1. There can be difference in facts and data presented

The case study method is based on fact-based data mostly. It’s the researcher or the data collector who specifies the data and defines its values. Deciding what’s factual and what’s not can be difficult when entered records are false or real-time information is not available. If the data is based on opinions, there will be an error in the concluding report and stats.

2. Most Case Studies Take time

Time is the one of the concerning disadvantages of Case Studies next to data redundancy. From the start till the end, the procedure of conducting case studies extensive is time-consuming. The more researchers involve in it, the more complicated it becomes. There is an enormous amount of data that's compiled. It's not just the researchers who can affect the outcome in this type of research method. Participants can also influence the conclusion by giving inaccurate or incomplete answers to questions. This means there will be more consumption throughout the research. The best solution to this problem is to break the process of case studies into smaller modules and assign each researcher's responsibility strictly.

3. Case Study method can be ineffective

Provided there are no efficient data, participants, or researchers' involvement, the case study method can be useless and a waste of money. Case study methods require the participation of the individuals or entities involved for it to be successful. The skills of the researcher help determine the quality of information being received from different sources. Unskilled or inexperienced researchers can make this research method useless and inefficient. If researchers are uncertain of handling this process, insufficient data will do the rest of the damage.

4. Case Study Requires sample size data to be effective

Rather than covering an entire group or community, it’s better to focus on a single entity and draw conclusions based on the feedback and characteristics. The case study method requires a small sample size to yield an effective amount of data to be analyzed. If there are different demographics involved with the entity or different needs that must be examined, then the case study method becomes very inefficient.

This can be considered like integration and differentiation methods in mathematics. Studying a small unit yields the same results as studying the entire system. Collecting information for a large group or system can be full of errors, ambiguity, and inaccuracy.

5. Data collection is a strenuous Work

Moving from door-to-door or visiting the participants in different locations is a tiresome activity that can be more intensive as the data piles up. The case study method requires researchers to have a high level of language skills to collect data successfully. Researchers must be personally involved with the participants in every aspect of data collection. From reviewing files or entries to conducting personal interviews, the concepts and themes of this process rely heavily on the amount of work each researcher is willing to put into the real world.


These advantages and disadvantages of the case study are a useful way to evaluate this research method's effectiveness. Overcoming the negatives and honing the researcher's skills can help derive factual and accurate data on whether research is short or long.

What are the advantages and limitations of case study?

Case studies are generally on one person, but there also tends to only be one experimenter collecting the data. This can lead to bias in data collection, which can influence results more than in different designs. It is also very difficult to draw a definite cause/effect from case studies.

What are three disadvantages to the case study method?

Disadvantage of Case Study Method of Data Collection.
Limited Representatives. Due to as narrow focuses a case study has limited representatives and generalization is impossible..
No Classification. ... .
Possibility of Errors. ... .
Subjective Method. ... .
No Easy and Simple. ... .
Bias Can Occur. ... .
No Fixed Limits. ... .
Costly and Time Consuming..

Are case studies Limited?

A commonly described limit of case studies is that they do not lend themselves to generalizability. Due to the small number of cases, it may be harder to ensure that the chosen cases are representative of the larger population. Some scholars, such as Bent Flyvbjerg, have pushed back on that notion.

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