Ve asura 2.0s đánh giá năm 2024

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So, if you happen to be the ones that despise Venture Electronics, you may want to stop right here. Reading further will only serve to annoy you no end…

To give you some perspectives, I own no less than 20 units of VE earbuds. More than I care to count. For VE Asura 2.0 alone I have 5 different variants tuned to sound slightly different from one another. 4 variants of Monk SM, Monk Lite and Monk+ each. Not counting the rest. However, this will be the first time that I am actually writing a full review for my VE earbuds, I spent so much time listening to them that I just don’t have the time to sit down and write my impressions.

The very reason that I am so attuned to VE house sound is simple, Chief tuner and engineer for VE products, simply known by the name KK has similar sonic taste to me. He’s an avid Etymotic ER4S user just like me and he listens to STAX electrostatics. About the only ones that didn’t quite jive with my taste is the ZEN Lite & Bonus IE. But then I understand that VE needed to tune their stuffs differently – after all we humans do hear differently.


Asura itself was already defunct a few years back. Retired in favor of ZEN line. But through my connection with Wild Lee the founder of VE, I ended up owning 6 different Asura 2.0s. Which I hacked and modded with different cables, shells, and foams. Every time I modded VE earbuds, I gave feedbacks to Lee and told him exactly what I like or dislike. Patiently Lee listened to my rant day and night. And it goes on and on, me spewing complaints here and there about this and that. I am amazed Wild Lee hasn’t blocked me yet on Facebook for the amount of harassment I did ahaha. Then Lee revealed to me that VE did considered reviving Asura. And with the feedbacks he got from me, insights from Felix Wang and a few other VE regulars, KK spent exhausting amount of time and effort to resurrect Asura line – and thus we have VE Asura 3.0 FE.


Asura FE build is simply exquisite. Housed in metal PK shell similar to Monk SM, with very smooth finishes of Gunmetal Black offering mild hint of sparkle. The cable is made of new generation of VE own Standard DI Copper, replacing the old Basic DI Copper which came with ZEN 2.0 SLQ. It is much more resilient and thicker in build density, yet still very pliable despite the thick main section. End to end the cable has been made with great articulation as per expected of premium VE products. I measured my Asura 3.0 FE and it showed me the impedance is rated at 155 Ohm with my old multimeter. Pretty much similar to the Asura 2.0 of old. In contrast the ZEN 2.0 comes in 320 Ohm configuration, so this suggests that Asura 3.0 FE is supposedly easier to drive than the ZEN 2.0. However, both are still considered as heavyweights any which way I look at it. Power will be needed to make them sing.


From the get-go, I have used my Asura 3.0 FE extensively with the following equipment: - VE Odyssey HD [ultra-portable setup] - CEntrance DACport HD [most used 4 Vrms DAC/Amp] - Ovidius B1 [regularly swapped with DACport HD] - Questyle M12 + VE Runabout Plus 5 18V [laptop setup] - LG V50 ThinQ 3.5mm on High Gain mode - Xiaomi Redmi 10 with HiBy USB Exclusive Mode - FLAC Files & occasionally Tidal Masters * I didn’t even bother to use either Avani or Abigail as I reserved those two for driving efficient IEMs


The best way for me to describe Asura 3.0 FE is, exceptionally balanced timbre and tonality. While I would describe Monk SM being bright euphonic and ZEN 2.0 being warm Mid Centric, Asura 3.0 FE is simply neither warm nor bright. Nor does it sound outright flat like Monk GO [which is Diffused Field Neutral]. There’s admirable composition of analogue and technical precision that I find rare in the earbuds that I have ever owned so far. One of the reasons I mostly listen to IEMs was simply because I prefer the focused articulation of dynamics and timbre like what I get from Etymotic ER2XR, ER4SR and Shure KSE1500. Asura 3.0 FE somehow managed to muster this precision which I find slightly lacking in Monk SM and even Monk Lite. ZEN 2.0 when powered properly was the closest thing to that quality that I seek, albeit ZEN 2.0 being audibly more Mids centric.

Asura 3.0 FE has that superb balance between crisp and smooth Dynamic transients which is so very engaging – being highly technical and musical at the same time. But it must be noted that these are achieved with no less than 2 Vrms of power, with VE Odyssey HD which is 1 Vrms, Asura 3.0 FE is largely musical and will still be highly enjoyable due to the rich density of Dynamics mass. Technical precision will only start to shine when fed at least with 2 Vrms of power [Ovidius B1] and absolutely the best with over 4 Vrms [DACport HD or Questyle M12 + RAP5]. End to end the tonality of instruments and vocals are just realistic and without any hint of undesirable anomalies.


Asura 3.0 FE finally hitting it right with Mids. Again, the word balance come into play. The presentation is spaced appropriately to what I perceived as natural, unlike ZEN 2.0 which can be “in your face” sort of Mids or slightly V curved presentation of Monk SM and Monk+. It is clean, clear, textured, and transparent to the nature of the recordings – no attempt to add warmth or sparkle that would otherwise color the output. Male and female vocals are presented equally great faithful to the intended presentation. Be it Soprano, Baritone, Contralto, or anything in between, I get believable tonality as per expected. There’s no hint of sibilance in the upper Mids section where normally peaky female vocals like Alison Krauss can sometimes distort or ended up sounding nasal. Instruments wise, guitars, drums, piano, cello, tambourine, synthesizers etc. all sounding proper with crispy smooth attack and bite – thanks to the pristine resolution that Asura 3.0 FE was able to muster.


Balance, balance, balance. Yep, it is balanced. Treble of Asura 3.0 FE is full of maturity and finesse. It has just the right amount of sparkle and air to not ended up being piercing. In contrast Monk SM and Monk+ SPC can be sibilant [I used double foams on my Monk SM to dampen the brightness]. Treble comes with great details and texture exhibiting deep extensions, only outclassed by Shure KSE1500 [I don’t think anything can beat KSE1500…]. Treble decays are audibly crispy solid as it is smooth. Lingers realistically as would be in real life presentation. Overall nuances of Treble micro details are decidedly subtle and smooth – never euphonic [unlike HZSOUND Heart Mirror].


The focus of Asura 3.0 FE Bass is quality over quantity. Both Mid-Bass and Sub-Bass being exceptionally controlled and fast. They operate in their own respective space. When called for, Asura 3.0 FE is able to project solid commanding Mid-Bass punches and rumble – with admirable texture and details. Sub-Bass extend deep and offer mildly nuanced seismic responses and smooth decays. I said mildly nuanced – so this could translate into Sub-Bass being rolled off, but it is not. At least not to my ears. It is audible but just not as pronounced as how I would get from Fostex T40RP MK3. Overall, yet again the word balance comes into play. Asura 3.0 FE Bass is tuned to harmonize with the rest of the dynamic range. In fact, Bass of Asura 3.0 FE is not so dissimilar to ZEN 2.0 – both adeptly tuned with refined articulation.

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