Pluck up the courage là gì

pluck up courage Thành ngữ, tục ngữ

pluck up [one's] courage

To emotionally prepare oneself to do a frightening or overwhelming task; to bolster one's courage. I'm really nervous about asking Sarah out on a date, but I just need to pluck up my courage and go through with it. I know he's terrified of speaking in public, so he's plucking up his courage with a stiff drink.See also: courage, pluck, up

pluck up someone's courage

to bolster someone's, including one's own, courage. I hope you are able to pluck up your courage so that you can do what has to be done. Some good advice from a friend helped pluck up my courage.See also: courage, pluck, up

pluck/screw/summon up [your/the] ˈcourage [to do something]

force yourself to be brave enough to do something: I had liked her for a long time, and eventually I plucked up the courage to ask her out. I finally screwed up my courage and went to the dentist.See also: courage, pluck, screw, summon, up
See also:
  • for [one's] [own] sake
  • for sake
  • comfortable in [one's] own skin
  • watch [one's] six
  • check [one's] six
  • check your six
  • put [oneself] on the line
  • put yourself on the line
  • wash hands of
  • wash your hands of something/someone

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