HP laptop turns back on after shutdown

If your HP laptop is not turning on, that doesn't necessarily mean there's anything wrong with the computer itself. Often there are just conflicts between some of the software on your computer, or the devices you've got attached to your computer, and they're relatively easy to resolve with what's called a power reset or "hard restart."

Conflict Is Inevitable

Your computer isn't really a single device. It takes hundreds of pieces of software and hardware to add up to one working, functional computer, and all of those pieces have to play nicely together. If you've ever heard the first day of rehearsal for an orchestra, or took part in the first day of practice for a team sport, you'll know that doesn't happen easily. With computers, it usually means that two devices or two pieces of software are trying to use the same resource at the same time. This might mean your computer freezes and won't respond to the keyboard, or it might mean your laptop won't boot. To complicate things just a little more, most modern computers try to keep a "snapshot" of what you're working on, so you won't lose your work if you lose power. When you reboot, it might bring you right back to the same problem. The answer is to completely clear the computer's memory.

If You Have a Removable Battery

To clear the computer's memory, you have to take away the sources of electricity that let it keep things in RAM. First, turn off your computer if you can. If it's completely frozen, don't worry about it. Unplug the power adapter from your computer, then close the lid. If you have a dock, a printer, a monitor or anything else attached to the computer, unplug them. Turn your computer over, and look for the battery's latches. On some models they'll be in the form of latches that slide to the side, and on others they'll be simple clips that you pinch to release. Remove the battery, then flip the computer right-side up and open the lid so you have access to the Power button. Press and hold the button for about 15 seconds. This drains the capacitors on the computer's main board that act as a kind of backup to your battery. Once they're drained, anything in your memory is flushed away and your system will be able to do a clean boot.

If You Don't Have a Removable Battery

Some HP laptops don't have a battery you can remove. If your laptop falls into that category, don't worry: You can still do the reset. Start the same way, by shutting down your computer if you can and then removing any external devices you've got attached to it. Then hold down the Power button for 15 seconds, and release it.

Starting Back Up

Your next step is to turn the computer back on, but don't re-attach any of your accessories just yet. If your laptop won't start because of a conflict with one of your external devices, re-attaching it just means you're going to have the same problem. Instead, turn on the laptop without any extra pieces attached. Your computer may start up normally, or it might give you a startup menu and ask if you want to boot in Safe Mode. Choose Start Windows Normally, and press the Enter key. Your computer should finish booting normally. Once it's up and running, you can start attaching your devices one at a time. If one of them crashes your computer again, you've probably found your culprit. You might need to change its configuration, or update its driver, to make everything run properly again. If you've had a problem severe enough to need a hard restart, it's usually a good idea to run Windows Update and HP Support Assistant just to make sure all of your drivers are up to date. Fixing this kind of hardware conflict is one of the main reasons drivers are updated in the first place.

One Further Point

Sometimes it may seem that your laptop won't start, but if you look closely at the machine you'll see that its lights have come on but the screen remains dark. That might mean you're having a display issue, rather than a show-stopping hardware or software problem. One way to check is by plugging in an external monitor using your laptop's VGA, HDMI or DisplayPort connection. You may have to hold down the Fn key on your keyboard and press a function key, usually F4, to turn on the external monitor. If the computer works with an external monitor, but not with the built in screen, you might need to get it serviced.

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