Advantages and disadvantages of access control list

Advantage:Prevention of Theft

An access control system's primary task is to restrict access. This is critical when access to a person's account information is sufficient to steal or alter the owner's identity. Many websites that require personal information for their services, especially those that need a person's credit card information or a Social Security number, are tasked with having some sort of access control system in place to keep this information secure.

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Types of ACLs

In general, an access control list is exactly what its name suggests: a list that governs access to a particular resource. ACLs can be used in a number of different contexts, but two of the most common are governing permissions on file systems and at the network level.

  • Filesystems ACLs

In a filesystem, an ACL is designed to help the operating system determine the levels of access that a particular user has with regard to a certain file or directory. Commonly, these permissions state whether or not a user has the ability to read, write, and/or execute a particular file.

In Linux, ACLs are available as an supplement to traditional permission management, where file permissions must be set on a per-file or per-folder basis. With an ACL, an administrator can assign certain permissions or sets of permissions to a given user very easily. This enables a certain user or group to be given certain permissions for a file by the file owner even if that owner does not have the power to manage the given group.

  • Network ACLs

ACLs can also be applied at the network level, where they can be used in a variety of ways. Network ACLs can provide performance improvements by implementing restrictions on certain types of traffic or for a particular region of the network. They also provide security benefits since they can restrict communications between different systems or over certain protocols as needed.

At the network level, two main types of ACLs exist. A standard ACL applies restrictions based solely upon the source IP address of traffic. For example, a protection against data exfiltration may be blocking any traffic coming from the main database server from crossing the organization’s network perimeter. Since the database server should not be communicating with external systems directly, this could help to detect and block potentially malicious traffic. However, this standard ACL could not differentiate different types of traffic and make decisions accordingly.

An extended ACL uses the source and destination addresses and ports in its analysis. This enables a network administrator to define much more granular rules regarding the types of traffic that are permitted to pass through and the types that should be blocked. This is helpful if, for example, an administrator wishes to decrease the attack surface of a web server by limiting traffic to and from it to only traffic flowing on legitimate HTTP[S] ports [80 and 443].

Advantages and Disadvantages of Access Control Systems

by Zachariah Wavomba / in Money

More often than not, you have used access control systems in one way or another, such as your ATM card, credit cards or other password-protected documents. The access control systems are put in place to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to a specific area or privileged information. The execution of restrictions and limitations on private property ensures safety. Several access control systems are in place and each has its benefits and drawbacks.


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